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Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
Is NZ relevant
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Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ in Horak & Wood, Sydowia 42 127 (1990)

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auct. NZ
auct. NZ
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus

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Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ (1990)
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ (1990)
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ (1990)
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ (1990)
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ (1990)
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ (1990)
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ (1990)
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ (1990)
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ (1990)
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ (1990)
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ 1990
Cortinarius magellanicus sensu auct. NZ

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taxonomic status
The South American species Cortinarius magellanicus has been reported repeatedly from New Zealand (Segedin & Pennycook 2001), but available molecular data show that it is a question of a violet form of C. lubricanescens. This form is rare, but the normal form, presenting white to greyish white colours, is fairly common.

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scientific name
23 November 2004
15 October 2022
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