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Hemibeltrania mitrata P.M. Kirk 1983

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Hemibeltrania mitrata P.M. Kirk, Mycotaxon 18 275 (1983)
Hemibeltrania mitrata P.M. Kirk 1983

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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P.M. Kirk
P.M. Kirk
Hemibeltrania mitrata P.M. Kirk 1983
Hemibeltrania mitrata
Type UK

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Hemibeltrania mitrata P.M. Kirk 1983

MID CANTERBURY: Christchurch Botanical Garden, dead leaf of Cordyline sp., 9 Sep 2001, PDD 74784; Christchurch Botanical Garden, dead leaf of Nothofagus fusca, 9 Sep 2001, PDD 74783; Christchurch Botanic Garden, dead leaf of Nothofagus sp., 4 Jan 2004, PDD 79919; Travis Wetland, dead petiole of Salix cinerea, 21 Jun 2003, PDD 79906
Conidiophores dark brown at base, becoming lighter to apex, 40–100 µm × 4.5 µm at widest becoming constricted into lobed base. Conidiogenesis blastic, terminal, sympodial. Conidia pale yellow, consistently mitriform, 15–17 × 6–7 µm, with detachment scar.
New record from New Zealand. This taxon is frequently encountered in semi-aquatic conditions on a variety of substrata. de Hoog (1985) synonymised H. mitrata with Dactylaria mitrata Matsush. However, there are differences in the descriptions. Hemibeltrania mitrata has a lobed conidiophore base, lightly pigmented conidia that are consistently mitriform, and flat conidiophore scars. Dactylaria mitrata is described with a non-lobed base, hyaline conidia that are variable in morphology, and with distinctly denticulate conidiogenous cells—features largely characteristic of de Hoog’s Dactylaria section Pleurophragmium. Castañeda-Ruiz et al. (1998) recently provided a key for Hemibeltrania and included denticulate species with conidiophores without lobed basal cells. Holubová-Jechová (1990) pointed out that features such as the radially lobed base found in species of Beltrania and Hemibeltrania are of questionable taxonomic significance for generic placement. The name Hemibeltrania mitrata is maintained here for a clearly distinct taxon despite confusion over the correct generic placement.

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Hemibeltrania mitrata P.M. Kirk 1983
Hemibeltrania mitrata P.M. Kirk (1983)
Hemibeltrania mitrata P.M. Kirk 1983
Hemibeltrania mitrata P.M. Kirk 1983
Hemibeltrania mitrata P.M. Kirk (1983)
Hemibeltrania mitrata P.M. Kirk 1983
Hemibeltrania mitrata P.M. Kirk (1983)

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Hemibeltrania mitrata P.M. Kirk 1983
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury

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Type UK

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scientific name
29 January 2002
7 November 2012
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