Anaphalioides (Benth.) Kirp.

Anaphalioides (Benth.) Kirp. in Kirpicznikov & Kuprijanova, Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast. series 1: 7-33 (1950)
Anaphalioides (Benth.) Kirp.
(Benth.) Kirp.
Anaphalioides (Benth.) Kirp.
Plants perennial, evergreen, woody at the base; with a central taproot, erect or mat-forming. Branches many per plant, decumbent, prostrate or hanging, attached to the soil substrate by small roots along the branches or free. Leaves alternate, spreading, sessile, narrowly oblong, narrowly obovate (Fig. 10B) or obovate; margins entire; apices apiculate; lower leaf surface densely hairy; upper leaf surface glabrous to moderately densely hairy; midvein obvious, a pair of side veins sometimes obvious and impressed. Flowering stems terminal on branches, ascendent (Fig. 10A); with appressed hairs; with leaves similar to the basal leaves but becoming nar- rower and smaller towards the capitula. Capitula solitary or in corymbs (Fig. 10A), scented with a slightly sweet pyrethrum smell when florets are open. Involucral bracts spirally arranged, appearing to be in 4-5 series (Fig. 10C), persistent after flowering; each bract with upper half white, lower half green and turning glossy pale brown on drying and folding outwards at the base of the white portion, margins and outer surface of outer bracts hairy, stereome undivided, green with a brown central strand, gap clear, brown or absent, with biseriate non-glandular hairs on outer surface. Receptacle conical, epaleate, alveolate (Fig. 10C). Florets 5-(6)- lobed. Outer florets female, 40-92% of total floret number and ± constant for a species, filiform, pale green (Fig. 10H). Inner florets hermaphrodite; corolla tubular (Fig. 10F), pale green or yellow, sometimes tinted crimson, with biseriate non-glandular hairs (Fig. 1OG). Anthers linear, apices truncate-rounded, tails long and stringy (Fig. 10J). Style bifid; branches truncate, with obtuse apical sweeping hairs; stigmatic surfaces separated, the outer faces with cells slightly projecting at their apices, the projections rounded (Fig. 2A). Achenes narrowly cylindrical; with 2 vascular bundles; glabrous or with sparse duplex hairs; epidermis smooth (Fig. 1 OF, H, K). Pappus in 1 series, persistent, capillary bristles 7-27, on a short collar of thick-walled porose cells (Fig. 1OL), basal bristles dense, apical cells rounded or slightly clavate at their apices. Both female and hermaphrodite achenes fertile.
Taxonomic concepts
Anaphalioides (Benth.) Kirp.
Anaphalioides (Benth.) Kirp.
Anaphalioides (Benth.) Kirp.
Anaphalioides (Benth.) Kirp.
Anaphalioides (Benth.) Kirp.
Gnaphalium (Anaphalioides) Benth.
Anaphalioides (Benth.) Kirp.
Gnaphalium (Anaphalioides) Benth.
Anaphalioides (Benth.) Kirp.
scientific name
1 January 2000
25 May 2006