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Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 76: 596 (1947)
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan

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New Zealand
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(A.Rich.) Allan
Myrsine australis

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Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan × Myrsine aquilonia de Lange & Heenan

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Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan

Shrub or tree up to ± 6 m. tall; bark dark, red on younger branches and on branchlets. Lvs on rather stout petioles up to ± 5 mm. long. Lamina ± 3-6 × 1·5-2.5 cm., coriac., glab. except on midvein, oblong to obovate-oblong to broad-elliptic, obtuse; margins us. strongly undulate, flat or nearly so in some forms. Infl. of ± crowded fascicles. Fls. c. 1·5-2.5 mm. diam., whitish, unisexual, on short pedicels. Calyx-lobes 4 or obsolete, persistent. Petals 4, free, revolute; ♂ with 4 stamens, anthers large, ovary vestigial; ♀ with sterile anthers; stigma ± sessile, fimbriate. Fr. c. 2-3 mm. diam., dark brown to black when mature.

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Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
Myrsine urvillei A.DC.
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
Rapanea australis (A.Rich.) W.R.B. Oliver
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
Suttonia australis A.Rich.
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan

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Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
[Not available]
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
[Not available]
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
[Not available]
Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2000
5 September 2011
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