Grammitis crassa Fée

Grammitis crassa Fée, Mém. Foug., 5. Gen. Filic. 234 (1852)
Grammitis crassa Fée
Grammitis crassa
Lectotype (selected by Parris & Given 1976): Lord Auckland [Islands], unknown collector, P (n.v.); isolectotype: Herb. Webbianum, FI 004210 (!online)
Grammitis crassa Fée
Rhizome stout, up to 15 mm. diam. including paleae; ascending, up to 10 cm. long, crowned by closely approximate stipites; paleae dark brown, ovate-lanceolate to long-attenuate, c. 1 cm. long, ascending. Stipes up to 2 cm. long, narrowly winged, wings merging into lamina, glab. Lamina 10-20 cm. × 10-15 mm. (sts reduced to 3 cm. × 5 mm.) rigid, very coriac., dull green, oblong to lanceolate-oblong, entire, acute to subacute, or margins faintly sinuate; main vein stout, prominent; veinlets obscure to fairly evident, simple or forked, sts with a few anastomoses. Sori about medial, 5-3 mm. long, oblong, oblique; up to 20 pairs in upper half of lamina; paraphyses absent or few.
Grammitis crassa Fée
Rhizome sub-erect to short-creeping; paleae red-brown, lanceolate, acute, 8.0-13.0 × 1.0- 1.2 mm. Stipe indistinct, winged almost to base; stipe hairs absent. Lamina linear-oblanceolate to oblanceolate, acute, (9.0-)10.2-17.6(-22.0) × (1.0-) 1.02-1.58 (-1.8) cm; lamina hairs absent or scattered, mainly on midrib, brown, multicellular, to 1 mm long; texture thickly coriaceous; veins invisible or rarely slightly raised on lower surface in dried material; endings not darkened; midrib slightly raised on lower surface, concolorous with or darker than lamina. Sori oblong to linear, oblique, in middle and upper part of frond, c.20-30 pairs, 2-10 × 1.5-3.0 mm; soral vein extending beyond the sorus, equal in length to the basiscopic vein, both sometimes branching and anastomosing, both nearly reaching the margin. Sporangia (250-) 293.9-349.1 (-400),mcm long; indurated cells of annulus (10-) 10.8-12.8(-16). Spores (33-)37.4-46.0(-57) mcm diam.
Taxonomic concepts
Grammitis crassa Fée
Grammitis crassa Fée
Grammitis crassa Fée
Grammitis crassa Fée
Identification keys
Lectotype (selected by Parris & Given 1976): Lord Auckland [Islands], unknown collector, P (n.v.); isolectotype: Herb. Webbianum, FI 004210 (!online)
scientific name
1 January 2000
29 August 2021