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Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr., Trans. New Zealand Inst. 13: 356 (1881)
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.

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New Zealand
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Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
Veronica rakaiensis
The epithet means from Rakaia; the Rakaia Valley is the type locality (Moore, in Allan 1961).
Lectotype (designated by Moore, in Allan 1961): Rakaia Valley, CHR 635762

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Bushy shrub 1-2 m. tall. Branchlets slender, with fine bifarious pubescence, length of internodes us. 2-6 × diam., lf-scars remaining rather rough. Lvs spreading, c. 2 cm. × 6 mm., obovate- to elliptic-oblong, subcoriac., "bright green", glossy; lf-bud without sinus, lf-base narrow; lamina subacute, entire, glab., but the margin opaque with microscopic hair-like cilia. Infls lateral, simple, 3-4 cm. long in fl., elongating in fr. Fls not very crowded and pedicels us. obvious; peduncle c. half subtending lf, very finely pubescent. Bracts very small, ciliolate, obtuse to acute, much < pedicels. Calyx-lobes 1-1·5 mm. long, some or all subacute on each fl., ciliolate, membr. border very narrow. Corolla white, tube wide, scarcely = calyx, lobes > tube, c. 2 mm. long, rounded. Ovary with fine close pubescence, sts extending to style. Capsule 3 × 2 mm. to 4 × 2.5 mm.,·narrow and pointed, drying rather light brown, 2-3 × calyx-lobes.

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Hebe rakaiensis (J.B.Armstr.) Cockayne
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
Hebe rakaiensis (J.B.Armstr.) Cockayne
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
Hebe scott-thomsonii Allan
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
Hebe scott-thomsonii Allan
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.

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New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
New Zealand
Otago Land District
New Zealand
Southland Land District
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Veronica rakaiensis J.B.Armstr.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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The epithet means from Rakaia; the Rakaia Valley is the type locality (Moore, in Allan 1961).
Lectotype (designated by Moore, in Allan 1961): Rakaia Valley, CHR 635762

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scientific name
25 January 2007
27 December 2022
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