Hughes, S.J. 1970: New Zealand fungi. 14. Antennaria, Antennularia, Antennatula, Hyphosoma, Hormisciella, and Capnobotrys gen. nov. New Zealand Journal of Botany 8(2): 153-209.

Hughes, S.J. 1970: New Zealand fungi. 14. Antennaria, Antennularia, Antennatula, Hyphosoma, Hormisciella, and Capnobotrys gen. nov. New Zealand Journal of Botany 8(2): 153-209.
Hyphosoma Syd. (1924), based upon a collection from New Zealand, is best considered a nomen confusum (Art. 69). Illustrations of diverse hyphae, propagules, and conidia from the type of Hyphosoma hypoxyloides, which correspond to the different elements of the original diagnosis by Sydow, are included to support the contention that this name should be rejected.
Cited scientific names
- Antennaria robinsonii Mont. & Berk. 1843
- Antennatula atra (Bat.) S. Hughes 1970
- Antennatula Fr. ex F. Strauss 1850
- Antennatula sp. B sensu
- Antennatula sp. C sensu
- Antennularia ericophila (Link) Höhn.
- Antennularia Rchb. 1828
- Capnobotrys neesii S. Hughes 1970
- Capnobotrys S. Hughes 1970
- Euantennaria caulicola S. Hughes 1974
- Euantennaria mucronata (Mont.) S. Hughes 1972
- Hyphosoma hypoxyloides Syd. 1924
- Hyphosoma Syd. 1924
- Nothofagus
- Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
18 March 2001
30 March 2001