Hoare, R.J.B. 2017: Noctuinae (Insects: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) part 1: Austramathes, Cosmodes, Proteuxoa, Physetica. Fauna of New Zealand 73: 1-130.

Hoare, R.J.B. 2017: Noctuinae (Insects: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) part 1: Austramathes, Cosmodes, Proteuxoa, Physetica. Fauna of New Zealand 73: 1-130.
Taxonomic concepts
Amphipyra sanguinipuncta Guenée
Austramathes coelacantha Hoare, 2017
Austramathes fortis (Butler, 1880)
Austramathes Hampson
Austramathes pessota (Meyrick, 1887)
Austramathes purpurea (Butlera)
Austramathes squaliolus Hoare, 2017
Cosmodes elegans (Donovan)
Graphiphora purpurea Butler, 1879
Mamestra trilineata Walker, 1865
Physetica caerulea (Guenee)
Physetica cucullina (Guenée, 1868)
Physetica funerea (Philpott, 1927)
Physetica homoscia (Meyrick, 1887)
Physetica longstaffi (Howes, 1911)
Physetica phricias (Meyrick, 1888)
Physetica prionistis (Meyrick, 1887)
Physetica sequens (Howes, 1912)
Physetica temperata (Walker, 1858)
Proteuxoa sanguinipuncta (Guenee)
Proteuxoa tetronycha Hoare, 2017
Xanthia ceramodes Meyrick, 1887
Cited scientific names
- Aletia accurata Philpott, 1917
- Aletia funerea Philpott, 1927
- Aletia obsecrata Meyrick, 1914
- Aletia parmata Philpott, 1926
- Aletia probenota Howes, 1945
- Amphipyra sanguinipuncta Guenée, 1852
- Austramathes coelacantha Hoare, 2017
- Austramathes fortis (Butler, 1880)
- Austramathes Hampson, 1906
- Austramathes pessota (Meyrick, 1887)
- Austramathes purpurea (Butlera, 1879)
- Austramathes squaliolus Hoare, 2017
- Bryophila temperata Walker, 1858
- Cosmodes elegans (Donovan, 1805)
- Cosmodes Guenée, 1852
- Cucullia cellulata Warren, 1911
- Depressaria radiella (Goeze, 1783)
- Graphiphora implexa Walker, 1857
- Graphiphora purpurea Butler, 1879
- Hadena plusiata Walker, 1865
- Hyssia sminthistis Hampson, 1905
- Mamestra comma Walker, 1856
- Mamestra homoscia Meyrick, 1887
- Mamestra prionistis Meyrick, 1887
- Mamestra trilineata Walker, 1865
- Melanchra distracta Meyrick, 1924
- Miselia iota Hudson, 1903
- Miselia pessota Meyrick, 1887
- Morrisonia longstaffi Howes, 1911
- Morrisonia sequens Howes, 1912
- Nitocris Guenée, 1868
- Noctuidae Latreille, 1809
- Oenoe Chambers, 1874
- Peripyra Hampson, 1908
- Phalaena elegans Donovan, 1805
- Phalaena radiella Goeze, 1783
- Physetica caerulea (Guenee, 1868)
- Physetica cucullina (Guenée, 1868)
- Physetica funerea (Philpott, 1927)
- Physetica homoscia (Meyrick, 1887)
- Physetica hudsoni Howes, 1906
- Physetica longstaffi (Howes, 1911)
- Physetica Meyrick, 1887
- Physetica phricias (Meyrick, 1888)
- Physetica prionistis (Meyrick, 1887)
- Physetica sequens (Howes, 1912)
- Physetica temperata (Walker, 1858)
- Proteuxoa comma (Walker, 1856)
- Proteuxoa Hampson, 1903
- Proteuxoa sanguinipuncta (Guenee, 1852)
- Proteuxoa tetronycha Hoare, 2017
- Rictonis Nye, 1975
- Spaelotis caerula Guenée, 1868
- Toxocampa fortis Butler, 1880
- Xanthia ceramodes Meyrick, 1887
- Xylina deceptura Walker, 1858
- Xylina inceptua Walker, 1858
- Xylocampa cucullina Guenée, 1868
9 November 2017
9 November 2017