Downloading records

The following formats and standards are currently available 

Research Information Systems (RIS) - a format and standard developed to enable exchange of bibliographic (reference) data.  Only  available as a text file.

New Zealand Organism Register Consumer schema (NZOR) - a standard and format published by NZOR based modifications of the Taxon Concept Transfer Schema.  The consumer schema is available at here. Only available as an xml file.

Biota of NZ - a custom standard developed to support the needs of this portal and future applications.   

Availability of fields in data downloads

Record class Field Standard Format
Reference Associated organism current name Biota of NZ (association) TSV
Associated organism recorded name Biota of NZ (association) TSV
Association type Biota of NZ (association) TSV
Cited scientific name Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Cited scientific name id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Cited vernacular name Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Cited vernacular name id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Current name Biota of NZ TSV
Full citation Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Biota of NZ (association) TSV
Parent reference citation Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Parent reference id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Parent reference title RIS Reference Format Text
Primary author Biota of NZ JSON, XML
RIS Reference Format Text
Record source Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
RIS Reference Format Text
Recorded name Biota of NZ (association) TSV
Reference id Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
RIS Reference Format Text
Reference type Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
RIS Reference Format Text
Short citation Biota of NZ (association) TSV
Start page Biota of NZ JSON, XML
RIS Reference Format Text
Title (Reference) Biota of NZ JSON, XML
RIS Reference Format Text
Volume Biota of NZ JSON, XML
RIS Reference Format Text
Scientific name Associated organism Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Associated organism name id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Association source Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Association type Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Authors Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Basionym ingoa tuatahi tuatahi basiónimo Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Basionym Name Id Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Canonical form Partial name Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Class Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Class name id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Combination authors Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Concept id Biota of NZ XML
Country Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Determined name Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Determined name id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Family Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Family name id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Genus Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Genus name id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Georegion (Biostatus) Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Identification key reference id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Indicative databased records Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Kingdom Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Kingdom name id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Land District Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Language of use Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Name scientific Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
New Zealand Area Code Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Nomenclatural code Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Occurrence Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Order Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Order name id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Origin Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Original authors Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Phylum Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Phylum name id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Preferred name Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Preferred name id Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Protologue id Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Publication page Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Publication place Protologue Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Record source Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Region of use schema Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Schema (georegion) Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Source (Identification key) Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Species Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Species name id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Subordinate name Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Subordinate name id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Synonym Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Synonym name id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Taxonomic rank Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Vernacular name ingoa noa nombre común Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Vernacular name id Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Year published Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Vernacular name Applies to Biota of NZ TSV
Language of origin Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Language of use Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Name id Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Record source Biota of NZ JSON, XML
Region of use Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Sources Biota of NZ TSV
Vernacular name ingoa noa nombre común Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
Vernacular name id Biota of NZ JSON, TSV, XML
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