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We appreciate your feedback about this website. The best ways of contacting us are provided below.
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If you would like to contact the curators of a specific data source please use the information below:
Ngā Harore o Aotearoa -- New Zealand Fungi and Bacterial Names Database
Source shown on records: Names_Fungi
Contact: Bevan Weir
Manaaki Whenua resource description: NZFungi - New Zealand Fungi (and Bacteria)
Ko te Aitanga Pepeke o Aotearoa - New Zealand Land Invertebrates Names Database
Source shown on records: Names_NZAC
Contact: Thomas Buckley
Manaaki Whenua resource description: Ko te Aitanga Pepeke o Aotearoa - New Zealand Land Invertebrates
Ngā Tipu o Aotearoa - New Zealand Plant Names Database
Source shown on records: Names_Plants
Contacts: Aaron Wilton and Ines Schönberger
Manaaki Whenua resource description: Ngā Tipu Aotearoa – New Zealand Plants