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Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie

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Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 48: 192 (1915 [1916])
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie

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New Zealand
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(Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii

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Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie

2n = 28
2n = 28
2n = 28

Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie

Densely caespitose, of low to medium stature (7)-9-17-(43) cm; with stiff, semi-pungent, pale greyish green leaves, their sheaths often imbricate and of ± equal length, usually overtopped by densely villous culms bearing dense cylindrical panicles; branching intravaginal, sometimes extravaginal at base. Leaf-sheath abaxially glabrous, scabrid, pubescent or rarely ± villous. Ligule 0.3-0.8-(1.6) mm, rim-like or truncate, sometimes erose, ciliate, abaxially glabrous or hairy. Leaf-blade 1.2-9-(21) cm × (0.5)-0.6-3.2-(5.5) mm, usually folded, involute, or convolute, or sometimes flat, linear-lanceolate or narrower, abaxially minutely scabrid to densely pubescent or sometimes villous, midrib often prominent below, adaxially scabrid or pubescent on ribs; margin with minute prickle-teeth or longer hairs, apex hooded, acute to acuminate. Culm (1)-4-27-(35) cm, pale green to purple, internodes sparsely to densely pubescent to villous, very rarely glabrous. Panicle densely contracted, usually cylindrical (to spike-like) occasionally interrupted especially at base, (1.3)-2.6-5.0-(7.3) × (0.3)-0.8-1.5-(2.2) cm; branches erect, pubescent, appressed to rachis. Spikelets (3.8)-4.3-5.2-(6.9) mm, 2-3-flowered, pale green, purplish or golden. Glumes subequal, sometimes scabrid above and on keel; lower 3.5-3.8-(4.8) mm, 1-(3)-nerved, oblong, with prickle-teeth on upper ½ to ⅔ of keel, upper (3.2)-4.0-4.5-(6.1) mm, 3-nerved, ovate, with prickle-teeth on upper ⅔ of keel. Lemma 3.5-6.0 mm, 3-5-nerved, oblong, narrow obovate, or lanceolate, acute, acuminate, or obtuse, entire to mucronate or shortly awned and sometimes minutely bidentate; awn apical or subapical, to 1.5-(3.2) mm. Palea 3.0-5.2 mm. Callus hairs 0.3-0.6 mm. Rachilla 0.8-1.0-(1.4) mm with hairs to 0.5 mm; prolongation c. 1.5 mm with hairs to 0.3 mm. Lodicules (0.7)-0.8-1.2 mm, ± bifid, erose. Anthers 0.6-1.1 mm. Gynoecium: ovary c. 0.7 mm; stigma-styles c. 1 mm. Caryopsis 2-2.5 × 0.6-0.7 mm.

Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie

Densely caespitose, of low to medium stature (7) – 9–17–(43) cm; with stiff, semi-pungent, pale greyish green leaves, their sheaths often imbricate and of ± equal length, usually overtopped by densely villous culms bearing dense cylindrical panicles; branching intravaginal, sometimes extravaginal at base. Leaf-sheath abaxially glabrous, scabrid, pubescent or rarely ± villous. Ligule 0.3-0.8-(1.6) mm, rim-like or truncate, sometimes erose, ciliate, abaxially glabrous or hairy. Leaf-blade 1.2-9-(21) cm × (0.5)-0.6-3.2-(5.5) nun, usually folded, involute, or convolute, or sometimes flat, linear-lanceolate or narrower, abaxially minutely scabrid to densely pubescent or sometimes villous, with midrib often prominent below, adaxially scabrid or pubescent on nerves, margin with minute prickle-teeth or longer hairs, apex hooded, acute to acuminate. Culms (1)-4-27-(35) cm, pale green to purple, sparsely to densely pubescent to villous, very rarely glabrous. Panicle densely contracted, usually cylindrical (to spiciform) occasionally interrupted especially at base, (1.3)-2.6-5.0-(7.3) × (0.3)-0.8- 1.5(-2.2) cm, with erect, pubescent branches appressed to rachis. Spikelets (3.8)-4.3-5.2-(6.9) mm, 2-3-flowered, pale green, purplish, or golden. Glumes subequal, sometimes scabrid above and on keel; lower 3.5-3.8-(4.8) mm, 1-(3)-nerved, oblong, with prickle-teeth on upper ½ to 2/3 of keel, upper (3.2)-4.0-4.5-(6.1) mm, 3-nerved, ovate, with prickle-teeth on upper 2/3 of keel. Lemmas 3.5- 6.0 mm, 3-5-nerved, oblong, narrow obovate, or lanceolate, acute, acuminate, or obtuse, entire to mucronate or shortly awned; awn apical or subapical, to 1.5-(3.2) mm, tips sometimes minutely bidentate. Palea 3.0-5.2 mm. Callus hairs 0.3- 0.6 mm. Rachilla 0.8-1.0-(1.4) mm with hairs to 0.5 mm; prolongation c. 1.5 mm with hairs to 0.3 mm. Lodicules (0.7)-0.8-1.2 mm, ±bifid, erose. Anthers 0.6-1.1 mm. Gynoecium: ovary c. 0.7 mm; stigma-styles c. 1 mm. Caryopsis 2-2 .5 × 0.6- 0.7 mm. Endemic.

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Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Koeleria novozelandica var. pubiculmis Domin
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
Trisetum cheesemanii Hack.
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie

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Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Koeleria cheesemanii (Hack.) Petrie
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
29 August 2005
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