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Paracylindrocarpon multiseptatum (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023

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Paracylindrocarpon multiseptatum (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous in Hou et al., Studies in Mycology 105 71 (2023)
Paracylindrocarpon multiseptatum (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023

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L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous
(Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous
Paracylindrocarpon multiseptatum

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Additional specimens examined: Location as holotype, 19 Jul. 1973, Samuels 73-141 (PDD 32423), Samuels 73-144 (PDD 31869), 9 Mar. 1976, Samuels 76-59 & McKenzie (PDD 34938) Samuels (76-137) & MacKay, 20 Aug. 1976 (PDD 36012), on flowering stalk of Phormium tenax, Samuels 76-138 & MacKay, 20 Aug. 1976 (PDD 36011).
Mycelium a ring of white to tan hyphae surrounding each perithecial base, with spreading, white conidiogenous hyphae. Perithecia scattered, solitary, or in groups of a few, seated directly on the substrate; orange to brown; smooth to slightly roughened with scales; globose to tympaniform (340-) 370-470 µm diam., collabent or not collapsing when dry; not changing colour in 3% potassium hydroxide. Perithecial wall (30-) 40-70 µm wide. Surface view: textura angularis, cells 7-15µm in greatest dimension, walls 0.5-1.0µm thick. Longitudinal section: outer region (20-) 50-60µm wide; textura angularis, cells may be rounded, 10-15 µm in greatest dimension, walls 0.5-1µm thick, pigmented; inner region 15-20 µm wide, cells flattened, 10-15 x 3-4 µm, walls 0.5-1 µm thick, non-pigmented. Perithecial papilla lacking, ostiolar canal periphysate. Asci clavate, 80-100 x 9-18 µm, 6-8-spored; apices rounded, simple; bases rounded to pointed; ascospores biseriate, or biseriate above and uniseriate below, forming throughout the length. Ascospores fusiform, (25-) 28-35 (-40) x (4-) 5-6 (-6.5) µm, (3-) 6-8 (-10)-septate when discharged from asci, striate, constricted at the median septum, hyaline.
Characteristics in culture: Colony characteristics: Colony diameter: CMD, 3-4 cm; ME, 1-1.5 cm; PDA, 1.5-2 cm. Aerial mycelium lacking or sparse on CMD, erect, rope-like strands forming on ME and PDA. Colonies white on CMD, pale pink to tan on ME, and tan to brown on PDA. Orange-brown drops of liquid scattered in aerial mycelium on ME and PDA. Surface of colony on PDA wrinkled and crustose. Ferrugineous pigment spreading into all three media. Conidia forming poorly after 1 month on CMD, after 4-6 weeks on PDA; none on ME. Conidiophores arising from the aerial hyphae and from the surface of the colony, bearing a single phialide, unbranched, aseptate, (17-) 21-33 (-35) µm long, 2-3µm wide basally, 1.5µm wide at the unflared opening of the phialide; subtending hypha 2-3 µm wide. Conidia cylindrical, (0-) 1-7-septate, 3-septate predominating, 0-septate: 7-11 x 2-3 µm, 1-septate: 9-15 x 2-3 (-4) µm, 2-septate: 17-20 (-26) x 3-4 µm, 3-septate: 19-28 (-35) x 3-4µm, 4-6-septate: 22-34 (-37) x 3-4 µm, 7-septate: 35-40 x 3-4 µm, hyaline, with a protuberant, flattened, basal, abscission sear; held in a hyaline drop of liquid.
Habitat: On decaying leaves of Phormium tenax.
Perithecia 370-470µm diametro, globosa vel tympaniformia, aurantiaca; asci clavati vel fusiformes, 80-100 x 9-18µm, apice simplici; ascosporae 6-8 septatae, fusiformes, rectae vel curvatae, 28-35 x 5-6µm, hyalinae, striatae. HOLOTYPUS: PDD 34937. Conidial state: Cylindrocarpon sp.

Etymology of the specific epithet: Refers to the multiseptate ascospores.

Notes: The description of Calonectria callorioides Penzig et Saccardo is suggestive of N. multiseptata. The type specimen of C. callorioides (PAD!) comprises a few red thalli of what appears to be a red alga (? Porphyridiales) and erect, black hairs of aChaetosphaeria. I did not find the asci or ascospores that were described and illustrated by Penzig and Saccardo.
Nectria multiseptata and Calonectria ochraceo-pallida (Berkeley et Broome) Saccardo are superficially similar. I have examined two New Zealand collections of C. ochraceo-pallida (PDD 3279, PDD 34941) and have found the cells of the wall to be very small and indistinct; this observation agrees well with the description of the species by Weese (1914c). One of the New Zealand collections (PDD 34941) produced an Acremonium sp. in cultures derived from single ascospores.

Holotype: NEW ZEALAND: Auckland, Waitakere Ranges, vic. Piha, Marowhara Loop Track, on leaves of Phormium tenax, Dingley, Samuels (74-136) & Francis, 17 Dec. 1974 (PDD 34937).

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Hydropisphaera multiseptata (Samuels) Rossman & Samuels 1999
Paracylindrocarpon multiseptatum (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023
Nectria multiseptata Samuels 1978
Paracylindrocarpon multiseptatum (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023
Paracylindrocarpon multiseptatum (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023
Paracylindrocarpon multiseptatum (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023
Paracylindrocarpon multiseptatum (Samuels) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous 2023

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3 July 2023
3 July 2023
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