Solicorynespora foveolata (Pat.) Shirouzu & Y. Harada 2008

In 1958 I made the new combination Corynespora foveolata because some conidiophores showed percurrent proliferations through the scar of the ter minal conidium with a conidium produced on each successive proliferation. Corynespora is the genus used also by Ellis ( 1960, 1971 ) in his redescription of this species. However, close examination shows that the terminal cell of the conidiophore has 5 to 8 scattered pores in the lateral wall. In old herbarium material no conidia could be seen attached at these pores; however, one should expect such multiple lateral production because my preparations. at least, show a far greater number of conidia than of condiophores and their proliferations. Furthermore many conidia have a rounded base rather than a flattened one (with a convex depression) as found on conidia produced terminally. In the New Zealand collections. undisturbed conidiophores had developed within the hollow of the stems and they show several radiating conidia attached to the apical cell of the conidiophore. For this reason I revert to Patouillard's original disposition of this species. Conidiophores in the type collections of Helminthosporium cantonense Sace. and H. microsorum P. Henn. non D. Sacc. also bear pores in the terminal cell of the conidiophores. These names are synonyms of H. foveolatum
Matsushima ( 1975) illustrated Helminthosporium sp. on dead stems of Ph yllostachys edule in Japan with pores in the wall of the upper cell of the conidiophore and conidia with a roughened vall; this is surely H. foveolatum