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Hieracium lachenalii subsp. argillaceum (Jord.) Zahn

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Hieracium lachenalii subsp. argillaceum (Jord.) Zahn (1929)
Hieracium lachenalii subsp. argillaceum (Jord.) Zahn

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(Jord.) Zahn
Hieracium lachenalii subsp. argillaceum

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Stolons 0. Stem erect, ± stout, 20-75 cm tall, with numerous simple eglandular hairs especially below and numerous stellate hairs above. Lvs mostly basal, dull dark green above, paler or rarely purplish beneath, ovate to lanceolate or elliptic, obtuse to acute, cuneate at base, finely or rarely coarsely toothed; teeth shortly apiculate, all ascending; eglandular hairs long, simple, sparse to numerous; stellate hairs sparse, rarely 0. Rosette lvs petiolate; lamina (4)-6-12-(15) × (1.5)-2-5-(6) cm; stem lvs (1)-2-4-(6), similar to basal but smaller and more coarsely toothed, becoming sessile. Capitula (1)-3-5-(20). Peduncles straight, with dense stellate and sparse to numerous glandular hairs. Involucre 8-12 mm long; bracts with numerous stellate hairs on margins and ± numerous dark unequal glandular hairs especially on midrib. Florets bright yellow, not striped on outer face, c. 2× length of involucre. Achenes dark, 3-3.5 × c. 0.5 mm. Pappus sordid, c. 6 mm long.

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New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
New Zealand
Otago Land District
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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6 November 2024
6 November 2024
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