Cylindrium aeruginosum (Link) Lindau 1904

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Cylindrium aeruginosum (Link) Lindau (1904)
Cylindrium aeruginosum (Link) Lindau 1904
AUCKLAND: Rangitoto Island, dead leaf of Quercus ilex, 17 Mar 2001, PDD74119; Rangitoto Island, dead leaf of Metrosideros excelsa, 17 Dec 2002, PDD 80091. BAY OF PLENTY: Waihi Beach, dead leaf of Metrosideros excelsa, 9 May 2003, PDD 79990.
Colonies effuse and extensive, sulphur-yellow; conidia 15–20 × 2 µm, in long chains.
New record from New Zealand. This species and the related Fusidium griseum Link are very common leaf litter fungi in European Quercus woodland. There is some confusion surrounding the names and their application. Fusidium was erected by Link (1809) with the species elements F. candidum, F. aureum, F. aeruginosum, and F. griseum. F. aeruginosum has a later combination in the genus Cylindrium (Cylindrium flavovirens (Ditm.) Bon = Cylindrium aeruginosum (Link) Lindau). When the starting date for these organisms was 1821 C. flavovirens was the correct name for this taxon. The Dictionary of the Fungi (Kirk et al. 2001) indicated that the genus Fusidium was rejected by Booth (1966) on the basis that F. candidum ≡ Cylindrocapon candidum (Link) Wollenweb. However, Hughes’s (1958) selection of F. griseum as the lectotype species for Fusidium (Greuter et al. 2000, article 9.17), combined with the earlier starting date of 1753, legitimises the generic name Fusidium and the use of F. griseum and F. aeruginosum.
Taxonomic concepts
Cylindrium aeruginosum (Link) Lindau 1904
Cylindrium aeruginosum (Link) Lindau
Cylindrium aeruginosum (Link) Lindau 1904
Fusidium aeruginosum Link (1809)
Fusidium aeruginosum Link
Cylindrium aeruginosum (Link) Lindau 1904
Fusidium aeruginosum Link (1809)
Global name resources
taxonomic status
Mem. Mat. Fis. Soc. Ital. Sci. Modena, Pt. Mem. Fis. 8: 72 (1904)
scientific name
25 June 2001
8 March 2021