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Pannaria pallida (Nyl.) Hue

Scientific name record
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Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous

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Pannaria pallida (Nyl.) Hue (1902 [1901])
Pannaria pallida (Nyl.) Hue

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(Nyl.) Hue
Pannaria pallida

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Thallus foliose-lobate, closely attached centrally, free at margins, without a prothallus, 6-10(-20) cm diam. Lobes laciniate, radiating, discrete not imbricate, subdichotomously to irregularly branched, 2-5 mm wide, 6-25 mm long, margins minutely notched, irregular, knobbly in parts or in parts entire and sinuous, conspicuously downrolled and thickened. Upper surface distinctly roughened-irregular, uneven, cortex fibrous, subplicate in parts, lumpy, pruinose in places or minutely white-tomentose, hairs silky, short, bright green when wet, pale greenish-grey or yellowish-green-glaucous when dry. Lower surface white at margins, uniformly thick, buff, tomentose centrally, tomentum striate, of hyphae arranged parallel to the length of the lobes, ± thickly rhizinate centrally. Rhizines short, to 2 mm, simple to squarrose, brown or buff. Cephalodia absent from upper surface or rarely developed marginally in older parts of thallus, ± common on lower surface among rhizines and on tomentum, simple, globose, buff or brown, becoming glomerulate-wrinkled. Apothecia numerous, clustered, central, rarely marginal, sessile to subpedicellate, 0.5-4.0 mm diam., disc red-brown, smooth, never gyroseetched or fissured, densely bluish-white-pruinose at first, glabrous at maturity, plane or concave, margins concolorous with thallus, waxy, ± shining, or dull, crenulate-sulcate, ± obscuring disc at first, thalline exciple verrucose-areolate. Ascospores globose, 11-15 µm diam., epispore 2 µm thick.

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Pannaria pallida (Nyl.) Hue
Pannaria pallida (Nyl.) Hue
Pannaria pallida (Nyl.) Hue
Psoroma pallidum Nyl.
Pannaria pallida (Nyl.) Hue

Click to collapse Historic biostatus Info

Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
Austral Galloway listed Pannaria aff. pallida for New Zealand and said "There are differences between the NZ and South American material, which may yet lead to the New Zealand material being given independent status.

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Pannaria pallida (Nyl.) Hue
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Pannaria pallida (Nyl.) Hue
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Pannaria pallida (Nyl.) Hue
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Pannaria pallida (Nyl.) Hue
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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scientific name
24 February 2009
24 February 2009
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