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Lentomitella investita (Schw.) Réblová 2018

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Lentomitella investita (Schw.) Réblová in Réblová et al., Studies in Mycology 89 23 (2018)
Lentomitella investita (Schw.) Réblová 2018

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(Schw.) Réblová
Lentomitella investita

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Lentomitella investita (Schw.) Réblová 2018

Our specimens from New Zealand fit well the description of L. investita, although the ascospores in PDD 110876 are more tapering towards the ends. This collection was isolated into axenic culture, which is, unfortunately, no longer available. The fungus formed in vitro a phaeoisaria-like asexual morph, which is consistent with asexual morphs observed in L. sulcata and Lentomitella sp. The DNA extraction from herbarium material was not successful. Lentomitella investita, L. vestita and L. cirrhosa were formerly treated as conspecific (von Arx 1952, R eblov a 2006). Based on molecular evidence the two latter are accepted as separate species in our study. Although no DNA sequence data of L. investita are available, given the size of asci and ascospores, the species is intermediate between L. vestita and L. cirrhosa and therefore regarded as distinct. Lentomitella cirrhosa differs from L. investita by longer and wider ascospores and longer asci. On the other hand, L. vestita is well-distinguished from L. investita by shorter, regularly 1-septate ascospores and shorter asci. Lentomitella investita resembles L. conoidea in the size of ascospores, but the latter differs by longer asci and mostly 1–2-septate ascospores with the first-formed septum in the middle or slightly above or below the middle. Lentomitella investita, L. vestita and L. cirrhosa were formerly treated as conspecific (von Arx 1952, R eblov a 2006). Based on molecular evidence the two latter are accepted as separate species in our study. Although no DNA sequence data of L. investita are available, given the size of asci and ascospores, the species is intermediate between L. vestita and L. cirrhosa and therefore regarded as distinct. Lentomitella cirrhosa differs from L. investita by longer and wider ascospores and longer asci. On the other hand, L. vestita is well-distinguished from L. investita by shorter, regularly 1-septate ascospores and shorter asci.

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Lentomitella investita (Schw.) Réblová 2018
Lentomitella investita (Schw.) Réblová

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Lentomitella investita (Schw.) Réblová 2018
New Zealand

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13 February 2018
13 February 2018
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