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Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue

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Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue (1902 [1901])
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue

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New Zealand
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(C.Bab.) Hue
Pannaria araneosa

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Thallus large, rosette-forming to spreading, loosely to closely attached, lobate-foliose, free at margins, without a prothallus, 5-12(-20) cm diam. Lobes broad, 5-20 mm wide, coriaceous, margins rounded, sinuous often crisped, ascending, overlapping, conspicuously thickened. Upper surface uneven, matt centrally, coarsely scabrid near margins and regularly marginally tomentose, tomentum white, arachnoid, pubescent, plant bright green when wet, pale greenish-grey or pale greenish-fawn when dry. Medulla white. Lower surface whitish, naked or very finely tomentose, striate, with occasional tufts of pale buff, squarrose rhizines centrally. Cephalodia frequent to moderate, small, globose, ± granular to subplacodioid, 1.3 mm diam., pale whitish-grey, laminal, densely wrinkled-plicate. Apothecia sessile, laminal, often crowded centrally 1-5 mm diam., margins concolorous with thallus, thick, crenulate-striate, disc plane or subconcave, chestnut-brown to dark red-brown, smooth, matt, epruinose, not gyrose-contorted, without fissures or thalline lobules, thalline exciple wrinkled-verrucose. Ascospores ellipsoid, 12-16 × 8-9 µm.

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Cetraria dermatoidea (Stirt.) Zahlbr.
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
Lecanora araneosa (C.Bab.) Nyl.
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
Parmelia rubiginosa var. araneosa C.Bab.
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
Platysma dermatoides Stirt.
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
Psoroma araneosum (C.Bab.) Nyl.
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
Psoroma subpruinosum Nyl.
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue

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Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
New Zealand
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Pannaria araneosa (C.Bab.) Hue
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District

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scientific name
23 February 2009
9 March 2010
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