Nagrajchalara angionacea (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023

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Nagrajchalara angionacea (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao, Fungal Diversity 119 333 (2023)
Nagrajchalara angionacea (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023
W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao
Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.
(Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao
Nagrajchalara angionacea
Specimens examined: 1) PDD 32869, on dead leaf of Knightia excelsa, Orere Pt., Manukau Co., N.Z., 3.1.1974, B. Kendrick (KNZ 72); 2) PDD 32870 [Holotype], on dead leaf of Beilschmiedia tawa, Orere Pt., Manukau Co., N.Z., 3.1.1974, B.K. (KNZ 150).
Colony effuse, brown, hairy. Vegetative mycelium immersed, aggregated into thin stromata of dark brown, thick-walled cells. Phialophores 60-65 µ long, made up of a dark brown stalk cell up to 6.5 µ wide, and a terminal phialide. Phialides lageniform, 53-64 [57] µ long, pale brown to brown and concolorous, smooth; venter ellipsoid, 16-23 [20] x 7.5-9 [8.2] µ; collarette cylindrical, 35-43 [39] x 3.5-4.5 [3.9] µ; transition from venter to collarette gradual; ratio of mean lengths of collarette/venter = 1.9:1. Phialoconidia extruded in short chains; cylindrical, apex rounded, base truncate; 1-septate, hyaline, smooth; 13-18.5 [15] x 3-3.5 µ; mean conidium length/width ratio = 4.6:1.
Known distribution: New Zealand.
Habitat: On dead leaves of Beilschmiedia tawa and Knightia excelsa.
Colonia effusa, brunnea, pubescens. Mycelium vegetativum immersum, in stromata tenuia ex cellulis atrobrunneis, incrassatis composita aggregatum. Phialophora 60-65 µ long., ex atrobrunnea, usque ad 6.5 µ lat., fulcienti cellula, et phialide terminali, composita. Phialides lageniformes, 53-64 [57] µ long., pallide brunneae vel brunneae et concolorae, laeves; venter ellipsoideus, 16-23 [20] x 7.5-9 [8.2] µ; collum cylindraceum, 35-43 [39] x 3.5-4.5 [3.9] µ; transitione ex ventre ad collum gradatim; ratio long. colli et ventris = 1.9:1. Phialoconidia in catenas breves extrusa; cylindracea, apice rotundato; base truncata; 1-septata, hyalina, laevia; 13-18.5 [15] x 3-3.5 µ; ratio conidii long./lat. = 4.6:1.
Occasional aberrant conidia with up to 2 septa, and shorter 1-septate conidia, in each case with unequal cells, were seen in KNZ 72.
Refer to C. agathidis for distinctions between it and C. angionacea. C. angionacea also resembles C. kendrickii, but differs from it by the less extensive basal aggregations of hyphal cells, its more bulbous venter, narrower collarette and longer conidia.
Refer to C. agathidis for distinctions between it and C. angionacea. C. angionacea also resembles C. kendrickii, but differs from it by the less extensive basal aggregations of hyphal cells, its more bulbous venter, narrower collarette and longer conidia.
Nagrajchalara angionacea (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023
Notes: Compared with the original description (conidiophores 60–65 µm long, phialides 53–64 µm long, and conidia 13–18×3–3.5 µm long), this fungus from the Chinese specimens was with slightly longer conidiophores, phialides and conidia (Nag Raj and Kendrick 1975).
Taxonomic concepts
Chalara angionacea Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1975)
Chalara angionacea Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1975)
Chalara angionacea Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1975)
Chalara angionacea Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.
Nagrajchalara angionacea (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023
Nagrajchalara angionacea (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023
taxonomic status
Recombination based on genetic data from Chinese specimens identified as C. agathidis [PRJ]
scientific name
11 April 2023