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Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton in Middleton & Wilcock, Edinburgh J. Bot. 47: 298 (1990)
Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton

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New Zealand
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Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton
Gaultheria nubicola

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A small creeping densely matted much-branched shrub, with erect leafy branchlets up to 5 cm long, but mostly less than 3 cm, densely and very minutely puberulous. Leaves alternate, 3-7 × 2-4 mm, shortly petiolate, elliptic or elliptic oblong, extremely thick and coriaceous, almost entire or with 3-4 obscure teeth on either side, glabrous and shining, veins conspicuous. Flowers large and solitary, terminal or both terminal and axillary. Pedicels less than 1 mm long, minutely puberulous, with 2-4 bracts at the base. Bracts broadly ovate, up to 1.5 mm long. Margins of calyx lobes entire and membraneous, inner surface minutely puberulous. Corolla sparingly pubescent within. Stamens as long as the style, filaments 2 mm or more long, ribbon-like, 0.1 mm wide, gradually expanding towards the base, not papillose. Anthers 0.5-0.6 mm long, opening by minute terminal flaps and clefts down the sides, apparently awnless.
Fruticulus depressus, vage ramosus, ramulis prostratis, radicantibus, ramulis ascendentibus dense puberulis. Folia alterna breviter petiolata, elliptica elliptici-oblongave, crassa coriaceaque, glabra, vix serrata. Flores solitarii, plerumque terminales, brevissime pedicellati, calycis lobis integris marginibus membranaceis. Stamina stylum aequantes, filamentis laevibus basim latissimis, antherae inaristatae.
Small, creeping, densely matted, much-branched shrublet. Branchlets erect, leafy, c. 3-(5) cm long, densely and very minutely puberulous. Lvs fairly close, alternate, 3-7 × 2-4 mm, suborbicular, elliptic or elliptic-oblong, very thick and coriaceous, almost entire, glabrous; veins conspicuous. Fls axillary, solitary. Pedicels < 1 mm long, minutely puberulous, with 2-4 bracts at base. Bracts broadly ovate, glabrous or almost so. Calyx lobes glabrous. Corolla sparingly hairy inside. Stamens = style; filaments c. 2 mm long, ribbon-like, gradually expanding towards base, not papillose. Anthers 0.5-0.6 mm long, awnless. Fr. a berry, c. 5 mm long, globose, remaining ± green.

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Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton
Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton
Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton
Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton
Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton
Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton
Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton
Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton
Pernettya alpina Franklin
Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton

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Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Gaultheria nubicola D.J.Middleton
New Zealand
Westland Land District
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
New Zealand
Otago Land District
New Zealand
Southland Land District
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
4 July 2006
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