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Lanzia sp. 'big red' P.R. Johnst.

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Lanzia sp. 'big red' P.R. Johnst.
Lanzia sp. 'big red' P.R. Johnst.

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New Zealand
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P.R. Johnst.
P.R. Johnst.
ineffectively published, invalidly published
Lanzia sp. 'big red' P.R. Johnst.
Lanzia sp. 'big red'

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sp. 'big red'

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Lanzia sp. 'big red' P.R. Johnst.

Lanzia big red

Common on fallen pohukawa leaves. Apothecia cupulate, stipitate, 1-2 mm diam., dark, often reddish receptacle, dark red to black hymenium, glabrous; dry receptacle furfuraceous. Usually associated with darkened patches on fallen leaves with no or poorly developed zone lines, sometimes with no dark patches but with more or less complete narrow, black zone line.

Excipulum of long-cylindric cells, somewhat tangled, the outer layers with thickened walls, outer layer of loose elements, encrusted with dark pigment, end cells of these lements swollen, clavate. Paraphyses dimorphic, most 2 um diam., about same length as asci, others up to 5 um diam., extending 10-20 um beyond asci. Asci about 70-90 x 7-9 um, more or less cylindric, tapering gradually to broad, subtruncate apex, wall thick at apex, amyloid pore entending right through wall, most intense to inside, spreading radially to outside. Ascospores 9-12 x 3-4 um, elliptic, more or less radially symmetrical, ends broadly rounded, 0-septate, hyaline.

The same fungus is isolated as an endophyte from apparently symptomless leaves. Appear also to be associated with small, dark, blister-shaped lesions on living leaves.

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Lanzia sp. 'big red' P.R. Johnst.
Lanzia sp. "big red" P.R. Johnst.

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Lanzia sp. 'big red' P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand
Lanzia sp. 'big red' P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand
Lanzia sp. 'big red' P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand
Lanzia sp. 'big red' P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand

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scientific name
27 March 2008
18 July 2022
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