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Pannaria implexa (Stirt.) Passo, Calvelo & S.Stenroos

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Pannaria implexa (Stirt.) Passo, Calvelo & S.Stenroos, Mycol. Res. 112: 1471 (2008)
Pannaria implexa (Stirt.) Passo, Calvelo & S.Stenroos

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New Zealand
Political Region
Elvebakk reported on an earlier paper by Passo & Calvelo (2011) stating that South American material that was formerly regarded in this taxon (as Psoroma implexum, was transferred to a new species, and Pannaria implexum is a New Zealand endemic.

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Passo, Calvelo & S.Stenroos
(Stirt.) Passo, Calvelo & S.Stenroos
Pannaria implexa

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Thallus squamulose ± closely attached, 4-8(-10) cm diam., on a fine, black prothallus, projecting to 5 mm beyond squamules, distinctly coarsely fibrous at margins. Squamules discrete, scattered, rounded at margins, becoming irregularly lobate-incised and often slightly laciniate-elongate (1 × 3 mm), at length confluent in a closely attached ± imbricate mosaic at centre, ± distinctly convex and minutely lobulate at margins which are also minutely white- pubescent or "frosted", bright lettuce-green when wet, pale greenish-grey when dry, becoming yellow-brown to dark red-brown on storage. Cephalodia larger than squamules, lobate-crenate to placodioid, between squamules, 0.5-2.0 mm diam., pale grey-blue, concolorous with thallus on storage, occasionally overgrowing squamules, sometimes striate-cracked, wrinkled-plicate, not flattened. Apothecia forming conglomerate groups with disc, obscured by placodioid or ± convolute, thalline lobules and ridges, disc pale to dark red-brown, concentrically striate beneath thalline tissue, 2-6(-10) mm diam., margins thick, inrolled, crenulate-striate, rather waxy, thalline exciple smooth. Ascospores oval-ellipsoid, apices rounded or pointed 13-17 × 8.3-10.2 µm, wall 1.7-3.0 µm thick.

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Pannaria implexa (Stirt.) Passo, Calvelo & S.Stenroos
Pannaria implexa (Stirt.) Passo, Calvelo & S.Stenroos
Pannaria implexa (Stirt.) Passo, Calvelo & S.Stenroos
Pannaria implexa (Stirt.) Passo, Calvelo & S.Stenroos
Pannaria implexa (Stirt.) Passo, Calvelo & S.Stenroos

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
The synonym, Psorma implexum was regarded as non-endemic by Galloway (2007).

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Pannaria implexa (Stirt.) Passo, Calvelo & S.Stenroos
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Pannaria implexa (Stirt.) Passo, Calvelo & S.Stenroos
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Pannaria implexa (Stirt.) Passo, Calvelo & S.Stenroos
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Pannaria implexa (Stirt.) Passo, Calvelo & S.Stenroos
New Zealand
Westland Land District
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
New Zealand
Otago Land District
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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Mycobank no.: MB 511990

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scientific name
11 January 2017
11 January 2017
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