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Bunodophoron macrocarpum (Ohlsson) Wedin

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Bunodophoron macrocarpum (Ohlsson) Wedin, Pl. Syst. Evol. 187: 233 (1993)
Bunodophoron macrocarpum (Ohlsson) Wedin

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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(Ohlsson) Wedin
Bunodophoron macrocarpum

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Thallus corticolous, erect, well-developed, producing numerous, crowded branches. Primary branches rather narrow at base, becoming broadly flattened, 3-6(-11) mm wide, irregularly subflabellate, several narrowly compressed branches produced along the upper margin. Fertile branches narrow, to 2 mm wide, extending beyond sterile branches, to 6 mm long, producing broadly flared apothecia when mature. Upper surface dull grey-green, smooth, transversely annulate-cracked in larger, more mature branches, becoming wrinkled on upper surface of apothecium, lower surface pale, smooth or irregularly wrinkled, upper cortex of mature branches 80-100 µm thick, lower cortex 40-80 µm thick. Algal layer 10-20 µm thick, continuous below upper cortex, rarely occurring on lower side. Apothecia ventral, with broad flared margins, 4-6.5 mm diam., mazaedium soon well exposed, black, loose, globose. Asci cylindrical 40-60 × 5-7 µm. Ascospores spherical, brown-grey, 8-12 µm, surrounded by black carbonaceous material. Chemistry: Sphaerophorin, sometimes with stictic and constictic acids.

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Bunodophoron macrocarpum (Ohlsson) Wedin
Bunodophoron macrocarpum (Ohlsson) Wedin
Bunodophoron macrocarpum (Ohlsson) Wedin
Sphaerophorus macrocarpus Ohlsson
Bunodophoron macrocarpum (Ohlsson) Wedin

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Bunodophoron macrocarpum (Ohlsson) Wedin
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Bunodophoron macrocarpum (Ohlsson) Wedin
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Bunodophoron macrocarpum (Ohlsson) Wedin
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Bunodophoron macrocarpum (Ohlsson) Wedin
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
19 March 2009
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