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Chenopodiastrum erosum (R.Br.) Uotila

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Chenopodiastrum erosum (R.Br.) Uotila, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 54: epublished 2017 (2017)
Chenopodiastrum erosum (R.Br.) Uotila

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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(R.Br.) Uotila
epublished 2017
Chenopodiastrum erosum

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Annual, prostrate or decumbent, non-aromatic, eglandular, mat-forming, ± farinose herb, sometimes purplish, sometimes with central branch erect. Stems ribbed. Lamina usually 1.5-2× petiole, 2-10 × 1.5-7 cm, oblong-ovate or triangular, sometimes as wide as long, often dark purple below and sometimes above, lobulate and coarsely and very irregularly acutely or obtusely dentate, undulate; base shallowly cordate to broad-cuneate; apex acute or obtuse; lvs below infl. similar but smaller. Infls sub-paniculate or spike-like, often dark reddish, axillary and terminal, ± farinose, at least when young; branches often short and ± fasciculate, usually < subtending lvs; glomerules distant. Perianth segments 0.7-1.3 mm long at anthesis, incurved, slightly imbricate, green or purple-tinged, except for hyaline margin; keel shallow, obtuse, accrescent. Fr. loosely invested by perianth, except at free apical area; pericarp tightly adherent to testa. Seed horizontal, 1.2-1.5 mm diam., circular, compressed; margin subacute; testa black, prominently radially furrowed.

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Chenopodiastrum erosum (R.Br.) Uotila
Chenopodiastrum erosum (R.Br.) Uotila
Chenopodiastrum erosum (R.Br.) Uotila
Chenopodiastrum erosum (R.Br.) Uotila
Chenopodiastrum erosum (R.Br.) Uotila
Chenopodiastrum erosum (R.Br.) Uotila
Chenopodiastrum erosum (R.Br.) Uotila
Chenopodiastrum erosum (R.Br.) Uotila
Chenopodium erosum R.Br.
Chenopodiastrum erosum (R.Br.) Uotila
Oxybasis erosa (R.Br.) Mosyakin
Chenopodiastrum erosum (R.Br.) Uotila

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Chenopodiastrum erosum (R.Br.) Uotila
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District

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scientific name
2 July 2018
2 July 2018
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