Constrictochalara constricta (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendrick) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023

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Constrictochalara constricta (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendrick) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao, Fungal Diversity 119 444 (2023)
Constrictochalara constricta (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendrick) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023
W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao
Nag Raj & W.B. Kendrick
(Nag Raj & W.B. Kendrick) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao
Constrictochalara constricta
Specimens examined: 1) PDD 32803, Kauri Glen Pk., Northcote, Auckland, N.Z., 19.II.1974, B. Kendrick (KNZ 360); 2) PDD 32856, Unmarked Tr. off Scenic Dr., Waitakere Ra., Auckland, N.Z., 27.II.1974, B.K. (KNZ 430); 3 & 4) PDD 32855, 32851, Summit Tr., Little Barrier Is., N.Z., 7.III.1974, B.K. (KNZ 482b, 495); 5) PDD 32854 [Holotype] , nr. stream S. of Te Wairere, Little Barrier Is., N.Z. 9.III.1974, B.K. (KNZ 456); 6 & 7) PDD 32640, 32853, Atkinson's Bush, Titirangi, Auckland, N.Z., 15.V.1974, B.K. (KNZ 624, 626); 8) PDD 32850, Large Kauri Tr., Waitakere Ra., Auckland, N.Z., 14.II.1974, B.K. (KNZ 327); 9) PDD 32852, Kauri Pk., Scenic Dr., Waitakere Ra., Auckland, N.Z.,15.V.1974, B.K. (KNZ 729b).
Colony inconspicuous, pale brown. Phialophores solitary or aggregated, straight or variously bent, up to 42 µ long and 4 µ wide at the base, composed of a cylindrical stalk which is pale brown, smooth-walled, indistinctly 1-4-septate; with a terminal phialide. Phialides lageniform, 17-26 [22] µ long; venter ellipsoidal, 9-16 [ 12.5] x 3-4 [3.7] µ; collarette cylindrical, basally fuliginous, 7-11 [8.3] x 1.5-2 µ; transition from venter to collarette abrupt and marked by a constriction in the wall; ratio of mean lengths of collarette and venter = 0.65:1. Phialoconidia catenulate, narrowly clavate to cylindrical; base truncate, apex rounded, slightly wider; unicellular, hyaline, smooth-walled; 3.5-8 [6.2] x 1-2 [1.5] µ; mean conidium length/ width ratio = 4:1.
Known distribution: New Zealand.
Habitat: On leaves of Agathis australis.
Colonia inconspicua, pallide brunnea. Phialophora solitaria vel aggregate, recta vel varie flexa, usque ad 42 µ long., et 4 µ let. ad basem, ex stipite cylindrico, pallide brunneo, laevi, obscure 1-4-septato, et phialide terminali composita. Phialides lageniformes, 17-26 [22] µ long.; venter ellipsoideus, 9-16 [12.5] x 3-4 [3.7] µ; collum cylindraceum, basaliter fuligineum, 7-11 [8.3] x 1.5-2 µ; transitio ex ventre ad collum abrupta et parietis constrictione notata; ratio long. colli et ventris = 0.65:1. Phialoconidia catenulata, anguste clavata, base truncata, apice rotundato et leniter dilatato, unicellularia, hyalina, laevia, 3.5-8 [6.2] x 1-2 [ 1.5] µ; ratio conidii long./lat. = 4:1.
For affinities refer to C. austriaca.
Taxonomic concepts
Chalara constricta Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1975)
Chalara constricta Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1975)
Chalara constricta Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1975)
Chalara constricta Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.
Constrictochalara constricta (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendrick) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023
Constrictochalara constricta (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendrick) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023
Constrictochalara constricta (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendrick) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023
scientific name
11 April 2023