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Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart 1986

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Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 87 87 (1986)
Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart 1986

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New Zealand
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H.J. Swart
G. Winter
(G. Winter) H.J. Swart
Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides

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Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart 1986

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Ascomata thyriothecial, aggregated in small groups, superficial, more or less conical, circular in outline with an irregular margin, dark brown, 0.1–0.2 mm in diameter, ostiole sunken; frequently arranged in concentric circles or semicircles on faintly chlorotic leaf spots which often develop a purple to red margin. Asci clavate, 50–90 × 15–22 μm. Ascospores fusiform, 1-septate, 18–26 × 4–6 μm, hyaline.
Distribution: Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taupo, Rangitikei, Wanganui, Wellington, Gisborne, Hawkes Bay, Wairarapa, Nelson, Buller, Westland, Fiordland, Southland.; 1st Record: Dick (1982: as Microthyrium eucalypti).
Significance: Commonly occurs in the lower crown on older leaves but causes little damage.; Host(s): Eucalyptus delegatensis, E. fastigata, E. fraxinoides, E. johnstonii, E. regnans.

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Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart 1986
Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart (1986)
Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart 1986
Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart 1986
Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart 1986
Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart (1986)
Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart 1986
Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart (1986)
Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart 1986
Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart (1986)
Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart 1986
Phaeothyriolum microthyrioides (G. Winter) H.J. Swart (1986)

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27 March 2002
27 March 2002
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