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Gingidia grisea Heenan

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Gingidia grisea Heenan, New Zealand J. Bot. 42: 175-179 (2004)
Gingidia grisea Heenan

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New Zealand
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Gingidia grisea Heenan
Gingidia grisea

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Gingidia grisea Heenan

Herbaceous, glabrous, gynodioecious perennial with stout fleshy taproots surmounted by slender upright stems invested with remains of older leaves at the base. Leaves 3–5 per rosette, imparipinnate, subcoriaceous; petiole terete, 7–30 cm long, 1.5–4.0 mm diam., grey-green, often flushed maroon in proximal part, sheath with marginal wings 3.0–4.5 × 12–45 mm; rachis 5–17 cm long, 1.0–5.5 mm diam., grey-green. Leaflets in 4– 7 pairs, often overlapping, sessile; 10–50 × 10– 55 mm, smaller distally, orbicular to rhomboid, grey-green, dense glaucous bloom on both surfaces; margin rounded in distal part with 12–44 teeth, teeth serrate, dentate, or crenate, 0.5–2.4 × 0.7–3.5 mm; base cuneate, obtuse, sometimes ± truncate, entire; apex obtuse. Inflorescences axillary, up to 4 per plant, 14–42 cm long, each with 1 terminal compound umbel and up to 6 lateral compound umbels, lateral umbels subtended by cauline leaves. Cauline leaves 12–60 mm long, grey-green, sheath 11–18 × 5.0–7.5 mm, leaflets in 1–4 pairs; lower cauline leaves similar in size to rosette leaves, with lobed or toothed leaflets; upper cauline leaves reduced in size, leaflets linear, usually entire or sparsely toothed. Compound umbel peduncle 27–85 mm long, each with 7–28 simple umbels; lateral umbels with fewer simple umbels and flowers than terminal umbel; 4–6 primary bracts at the base of each compound umbel, free, 5.5–13.0 × 2.0–3.8 mm, broad-elliptic, grey-green; apex narrowly acuminate, 5.0–6.0 mm long. Simple umbel peduncle 8–14 mm long, each with 4–23 flowers; 4–6 secondary bracts at the base of each simple umbel, usually slightly fused at base, 2.4–6.0 × 0.7–1.5 mm broad-elliptic, grey-green; apex acuminate, 1.4–2.3 mm long. Pedicels dimorphic: in female flower 1.5–3.3 mm long and stout, in male and hermaphrodite flowers 2.6–4.2 mm long and slender; sepals 0.5–0.7 × 0.3–0.4 mm, triangular, green; stylopodium up to 0.2 mm high, green; petals 1.1–1.3 × 1.1–1.3 mm, orbicular, spurred, white; styles divergent, flushed pink, 1.0–1.3 mm long in female flowers, 1.7–1.8 mm long in hermaphrodite flowers; stamens of male and hermaphrodite flowers recurved, 1.3–1.8 mm long, minute staminodes in female flowers; anthers 0.4–0.5 mm long, white. Carpophore 3.4–3.6 mm long. Mericarps 3.9–4.1 × 0.9–1.1 mm, ovate to ovateelliptic, brown, slightly flattened dorsally; dorsal surface with 5 ribs, lateral ribs winged, wings 0.4– 0.5 mm wide, base cordate; commisure with narrow, flat central ridge; vittae solitary between wings.
A Gingidia montana foliis cinereoviridibus utrinque pruina densa glauca praeditis, bracteis secondariis latis ellipticis in apice acuminatis distincta.

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Gingidia grisea Heenan
Gingidia grisea Heenan
Gingidia grisea Heenan
Gingidia grisea Heenan
Gingidia grisea Heenan
Gingidia grisea Heenan
Gingidia grisea Heenan
Gingidia grisea Heenan
Gingidia grisea Heenan
Gingidia grisea Heenan
Gingidia grisea Heenan
Gingidia grisea Heenan

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Gingidia grisea Heenan
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
25 June 2004
2 August 2005
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