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Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 320 (1864)
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.

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New Zealand
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(Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Microlaena polynoda

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Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.

2n = 48
2n = 48

Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.

Scrambling, bambusiform, rhizomatous perennial with stout, bare internodes below but leafy above, emitting cataphyll-surrounded shoots at rhizome and at nodes; inflorescence short, infrequent; cleistogenes common along stems. Leaf-sheath keeled, glabrous, < culm internodes, margins membranous, apex with conspicuous tufts of hairs 1.5-3-5 mm sometimes absent. Ligule 0.2-0.3-0.5 mm, erose, ciliate. Auricles 0. Collar thick, fringed by some hairs from sheath apex. Leaf-blade 10-30 cm × 2-5 mm wide, becoming long and fine, midrib evident, glabrous; margins scabrid, prickles spaced throughout but fewer below. Culms to 1.5 m × 2-2.5 mm diam., many noded, glabrous or hairy, or densely long hairy below nodes, longitudinally grooved. Inflorescence a narrow raceme 6-19 cm, internodes short, 3-10 solitary spikelets, or panicle to 15 cm of short and long branches at nodes, > internodes, up to 20 spikelets; rachis densely hairy at nodes sometimes throughout, branches and pedicels hairy. Spikelets 14-17 mm, on short or long pedicels. Glumes unequal, 1-nerved, occasionally bifid, margins and apex ciliate; lower 0.5-1-2 mm, ≤ callus hairs, upper 2-3-5 mm, > callus hairs. Lower Ø lemma 8-11-15 mm, 3-5-nerved, finely prickle-toothed, margin shortly (0.5-0.75 mm) hairy; adaxially finely hairy, awn < ⅕ lemma length; callus hairs 0.5-1.0 mm; upper Ø lemma 12-14-18 mm, 5-7-nerved, keel prickle-toothed, margin ciliate, finely prickle-toothed, awn < ½ lemma length; callus hairs few. ☿ lemma 6-7.5-10 mm, 5-7-nerved, awn 0 or 0.3-0.5 mm from shortly lobed ciliate apex, finely prickle-toothed above, glabrous below, keel toothed. Palea 4.5-5.5-6.5 mm, membranous, becoming acute; keel, upper margins and apex long ciliate. Lodicules 2, 0.8-1.0-1.75 mm, irregularly lobed or entire, sometimes hair-tipped. Stamens 4; anthers 1.0-2.5-4.5 mm, yellow. Gynoecium: ovary 0.7-1.3 mm; stigma-styles 1.0-2-3.5 mm, stigmatic branches to apex of ovary. Caryopsis 3-4.5-5.5 mm; embryo 1 mm. 2n= 48. Chasmogamous and cleistogamous.

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Diplax polynoda Hook.f.
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Ehrharta multinoda F.Muell.
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Microlaena ramosissima Colenso
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.

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Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Microlaena polynoda (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
15 February 2007
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