Lachnopsis sp. "mustard hairs" P.R. Johnst.

Lachnopsis sp. "mustard hairs" P.R. Johnst.
Lachnopsis sp. "mustard hairs"
A macroscopically distinctive species with long, stiff, mustard coloured hairs. A few apothecia in some collections with a branched stipe. Known only from Dicksonia
Apothecia about 0.6 mm diam., narrow stipitate (stipe sometimes branching), densely covered with long, stiff, mustard-coloured hairs. Excipular cells narrow-cylindric, about 15-25 x 6 µm, walls thin to slightly thickened, encrusted with bright yellow-brown material. Hairs 150-250 x 4 µm, brown, cylindric, not differentiated at apex, roughened all over. Paraphyses 3-4 µm diam., sublanceolate, tapering gradually to rounded apex, extending 10-20 µm beyond asci. Asci 40-55 x 4.5-5 µm, cylindric, apex rounded, wall thickened, narrow J+ pore extending all way through the wall, 8-spored. Ascospores 6-10 x 1.5-2 µm, elliptic-fusoid, uniform in shape to both ends, tapering to narrow rounded ends, radially symmetrical, 0-septate.
Does not key out in Spooner.