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Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper, New Zealand J. Bot. 21: 97 (1983)
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper

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New Zealand
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Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
Pterostylis cardiostigma

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Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper

Plant 6-35-(40) cm tall, from a large heart-shaped tuber with 4 or 5 lateral roots (Fig. 1). Internodes very short, stem thickish, lower portion covered by pink to red overlapping leaf sheaths with darker red stripes; 3-4 pink to red sheathing bracts at base. Leaves 5-7, cauline, sessile; often very upright especially in young plants (Fig. 2M,N); all except lowermost usually overtopping galea, lowermost 2 leaves are usually shorter, leaves 3rd and 4th from base usually largest; lamina 8-23 cm by 1-2 cm, linear-lanceolate, acuminate (Fig. 1); midrib red, slightly grooved above, 2(3) lateral yellow veins on either side, keel prominent, often red. Green flower solitary, erect, tall and narrow. Dorsal sepal to 7 cm long, vertical in lower half, upper half steeply inclined (Fig. 2D) or very occasionally more horizontal, tip acuminate, red. Lateral sepals diverging at a very narrow angle, with long filiform red caudae overtopping galea by 2 cm. Petals 5-10 mm shorter than dorsal sepal, long marginal strip exposed, tips red; galea width at petal tip 6 mm. Labellum (Fig. 2K,L) long triangular, arched in upper third, tip acuminate (Fig. 2H,I); distal half red with retrorse pale hairs on upper surface and a darker red dorsal median ridge becoming paler towards base; lower surface with red median groove (Fig. 2L). Column shorter than labellum (Fig. 2A), stigma heart-shaped, very prominent. Ovary erect, 1-3 cm high.
Caulis robustus. Folia caulina erecta vel semierecta, linearia, acuta, sessilia, 5-7, ovarium superantia. Flos solitarius, P. banksii similis, differt perianthio basi erecto dein proclivo. Galeae altitudine interdum 6 cm excedentes. Sepala lateralia longe filiformia caudae rubentes erectae. Petala sepalo dorsali breviora. Labellum lineari-triangulatum subacutura, columnam excedens. Columna typica pro genere; stigma cardioforme conspicuissimum. Ovarium erectum.

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Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper

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Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Pterostylis cardiostigma D.Cooper
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
9 September 2005
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