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Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder

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Threat status: Declining
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(Kirk) H.P.Linder
Rytidosperma exiguum

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Low-growing tufts of slender shoots usually spaced singly along a comparatively stout, far-creeping, woody rhizome; leaves setaceous, curved outwards, bright green becoming yellow, apparently glabrous except at sheath apex, much < mature culms; branching intravaginal. Leaf-sheath tightly appressed to shoot, mostly below ground-level, light brown to whitish, pinkish-tinged at first, entirely glabrous, shining, soft, ± transparent, ribs more distinct in older sheaths, apical tuft and collar hairs to 1 mm. Ligule c. 0.1 mm. Leaf-blade to 6 cm, folded, with smooth incurved margins, glabrous, tip obtuse, with a few minute prickle-teeth. Culm 2-7-(8.5) cm, erect, filiform, internode glabrous. Inflorescence a reduced panicle, to 1.5 cm, of 1-2-(4) brownish green, ovoid, 2-3-(6)-flowered spikelets c. 6 mm; pedicels minutely hairy; florets ☿; disarticulating above glumes and between florets. Glumes ± equal, (3.5)-5-6.5-(9.5) mm, ≈ florets, stiffly concave, ovate, green at centre with purple lateral band and broad light brown margins, lower 7-nerved, upper 5-nerved, glabrous apart from minute prickle-teeth on midrib near apex and finely ciliate margins. Lemma (2.5)-3.5-4-(5) mm, (7)-9-nerved, light green, purple-tinged above, hard and shining; hairs short and scattered, longer on margins and in 2 bands ± centrally, scarious towards tip with rather dense minute prickle-teeth; apex tridentate with central scabrid mucro 0.2-0.5-(0.8) mm between shorter lobes. Palea < lemma, (2.5)-3-3.5-(4.5) mm, keel and apex conspicuously densely ciliate, several longer hairs on margin. Callus 0.3-0.5 mm, glabrous. Rachilla glabrous. Lodicules 2, ± truncate, apically long hairy. Stamens 3, anthers (0.8)-1.3-1.8 mm, scarlet or cream. Gynoecium: ovary 0.5 mm; stigma-styles 2, c. 2 mm. Fruit an achene, c. 1.5 × 0.8-1 mm; embryo ⅓ to ½ length achene; hilum basal, ⅓ length achene.

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Danthonia exigua (Kirk) Zotov
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
Pyrrhanthera exigua (Kirk) Zotov
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
Sieglingia exigua (Kirk) Kuntze
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
Triodia exigua Kirk
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder

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New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Rytidosperma exiguum (Kirk) H.P.Linder
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
28 February 2007
5 September 2012
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