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Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog

Scientific name record
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Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog (1968)
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(Pers.) Krog
Hypogymnia lugubris

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Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog

Thallus forming orbicular patches or irregularly spreading, to 20 cm diam., loosely attached, corticolous, saxicolous or terricolous. Lobes 1.5-2.5 mm wide, hollow, occasionally 3-4 mm wide, branching dichotomous to ± irregular. Upper surface grey to white, copiously sprinkled with pycnidia and often with black lines, bands and patches, margins often blackened as they are not always sharply delimited from lower surface. Medulla of loosely interwoven hyphae forming an arachnoid layer ± parallel to cylindrical wall, darkened or not. Lower surface black, shining, deeply and persistently wrinkled, with occasional apical perforations. Apothecia sparse to moderate, 2-10(-20) mm diam., disc dark brown, concave, becoming ± flat to subconvex, margin entire to crenate. Ascospores ellipsoid 4-6 × 5-8 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, KC+ red, Pd+ red. Atranorin, chloroatranorin, physodic, physodalic, protocetraric ±, 2' -O-methylphysodic ±, alectoronic ±, 3-hydroxy-physodic ± and vittatolic ± acids. Austral

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Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
Parmelia lugubris Pers.
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog

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Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
Macquarie Island
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
25 August 2009
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