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Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet

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Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet
Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet

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New Zealand
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(Juss.) Sweet
Soliva anthemifolia

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Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet

Prostrate annual, forming patches up to c. 20 cm diam. Stems sparsely to moderately clothed in long hairs. Basal and lower cauline lvs petiolate, sheathing at base, moderately hairy, 2-3-pinnatisect, up to c. 12 × 3 cm; primary divisions in 4-8 pairs; ultimate segments narrow-elliptic to subulate, all in one plane. Cauline lvs similar to basal, but usually smaller. Involucral bracts in 1-2 rows, hairy, obtuse to apiculate, 3-5 mm long. Capitula inconspicuous at flowering, clustered near base of plant and separated by short obscured internodes, 5-12 mm diam. at fruiting, with 30-numerous mature achenes. Achenes 3-4.5 × 1-1.5 mm (including spine), sometimes with short hairs on both surfaces but not on wings, with long erect hairs at apex giving a woolly appearance to the fruiting capitulum; lateral angles entire, with narrow thick wings horizontally ridged in lower ⅔, rounded or squared to apex; spine 1-2 mm long.

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Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet
Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet
Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet
Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet
Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet

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Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet
New Zealand
Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Soliva anthemifolia (Juss.) Sweet
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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