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Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway

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Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway, Lichenologist 13: 44 (1981)
Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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Arv. & D.J.Galloway
(Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
Degelia gayana

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Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway

Thallus ± orbicular, loosely attached, to 6 cm diam. Lobes whitish-grey to leaden grey when dry, blue-grey when wet, 0.3-0.8(-1) cm wide, often imbricate, broadly cuneate to flabellate, very often with transverse, concentric ridges, apices rounded, margins entire, occasionally minutely notched, ± conspicuously deflexed. Upper surface smooth, somewhat coriaceous, matt, without isidia, rarely with regenerating lobules. Lower surface pale, with numerous rhizines in transverse concentric lines. Rhizines usually white, sometimes bluish-black (then often with white tips) usually not projecting beyond lobe margins. Apothecia frequent, to 1.5 mm diam., disc concave at first becoming plane or convex with age, usually pale reddish-brown often blackened, proper margin pale, sometimes blackened, in old apothecia often occluded, rarely with white projecting hairs at base. Ascospores 11-16 × 5-7 µm.

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Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
Parmelia gayana Mont.
Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway

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Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Degelia gayana (Mont.) Arv. & D.J.Galloway
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
5 August 2009
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