Aciphylla scott-thomsonii Cockayne & Allan

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Aciphylla scott-thomsonii Cockayne & Allan, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 57: 48 (1926 [1927])
Aciphylla scott-thomsonii Cockayne & Allan
Cockayne & Allan
Cockayne & Allan
Aciphylla Scott-Thomsonii
Aciphylla scott-thomsonii Cockayne & Allan
Aciphylla scott-thomsonii
Vernacular names
Aciphylla scott-thomsonii Cockayne & Allan
Forming huge tussocks up to 3 m. or more tall. Lvs up to ± 1·5 m. long, glaucous, lower 2-pinnate, upper 1-pinnate; margins rather obscurely serrulate-crenulate; midribs evident but not conspicuous. Sheaths ± 10 × 3·5 cm., tapering slightly to apex, pale yellowish, ribbed coriac. Stipules up to c. 6 cm. × 3 mm., tapering to rigid pungent point ± 3 mm. long; sts with a pair of stout basal pinnules up to 2 cm. long; Petioles ± concavo-convex. ± 20 cm. long; margins stout, minutely serrulate-crenulate; lower internodes ± 10-5 cm. long. Primary pinnae ± 35-45 cm. × 15-20 mm., widening from base, then rather abruptly narrowing to hard pungent point up to 5 mm. long; secondary similar, shorter, sts with accessory pinnules. Stems rigid, deeply grooved, 2-3-4 m. × ± 10 cm., gradually tapering to infl. ± 1m. tall. Bract-sheaths ± 10·5 × 2.5 cm., tapering slightly to apex; stipules ± 2.5 cm., rigid, tapering to hard pungent point; lamina up to c. 4 cm. long, irregularly 2-pinnate, with central lflt up to 15 cm. or more long; Umbels large, on branched peduncles or rays; male umbels ± 2-3 dm. long, females ± 1 dm. long. Umbellules ∞, rather lax, on slender rays. Fr. (4)-8-(10) mm. long; mericarps 4-3-winged.
Taxonomic concepts
Aciphylla scott-thomsonii Cockayne & Allan
Aciphylla scott-thomsonii Cockayne & Allan
Aciphylla scott-thomsonii Cockayne & Allan
Aciphylla scott-thomsonii Cockayne & Allan
Aciphylla scott-thomsonii Cockayne & Allan
Aciphylla scott-thomsonii Cockayne & Allan
Aciphylla scott-thomsonii Cockayne & Allan
Aciphylla scott-thomsonii Cockayne & Allan
scientific name
1 January 2000
1 March 2004