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Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab.

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Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab. in Hooker, Bot. Antarct. Voy. II (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) Part II, 295 (1855)
Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab.

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New Zealand
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Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab.
Stereocaulon colensoi

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Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab.

Thallus large, robust, to 8 cm tall, firmly attached at base by a well-developed holdfast and there often conspicuously grooved and longitudinally furrowed with little lateral cracking, branching variable, complex or simple. Pseudopodetia stout, often vertically furrowed, corticate or decorticate, cortex cracked and somewhat marbled, smooth, wrinkled or verrucose-areolate, investing pseudopodetia ± completely to the base, or often restricted to near apices of pseudopodetia in vicinity of the fruit. Phyllocladia corticate, shining, smooth, slightly cracked, terete, finger-like at first becoming branched in older parts, numbers very variable, numerous or sparse. Cephalodia very distinctly stalked, ficoid, often numerous, single or clustered, frequently associated with phyllocladia, large, greyish-blue, surface distinctly convoluted and maculate or areolate-scabrid. Apothecia common, lateral and terminal, disc black or dark brownish- black, to 5 mm wide, immature fruits plane or concave with a conspicuous pale margin, mature fruits consistently convex and immarginate. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores elongate-fusiform (5-)6-9(-13)-septate, 75-100 × 4-6 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin and colensoinic acid, ± divaricatic acid, ± perlatolic acid.

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Corynophoron colensoi (C.Bab.) Nyl.
Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab.
Pilophoron colensoi (C.Bab.) C.Knight
Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab.
Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab.
Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab.
Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab.
Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab.
Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab.
Stereocaulon colensoi var. caliginosum I.M.Lamb
Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab.

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Stereocaulon colensoi C.Bab.
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2000
14 September 2010
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