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Rhizocarpon grande (Flörke) Arnold

Scientific name record
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Rhizocarpon grande (Flörke) Arnold (1871)
Rhizocarpon grande (Flörke) Arnold

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(Flörke) Arnold
Rhizocarpon grande

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Rhizocarpon grande (Flörke) Arnold

Thallus crustose, areolate, spreading or ± orbicular to 5 cm diam., with a prominent black marginal prothallus. Areolae 0.6-0.9(-1.6) mm diam., ± dispersed, convex, often constricted, the areolae then glebulose, smooth, ashy brown, sometimes greyish-whitish or tinged violet, without pruina or soredia. Apothecia black 0.5-0.8(-14) mm diam., between areolae, angular to rounded, disc flat, black, dull sometimes becoming convex, margins thin, entire or disappearing. Ascospores 8 per ascus, muriform, many-celled, dark brown, halonate, 24-46 × 11-16 µm. Chemistry: Medulla K- or ± yellow, C+ red, Pd-. Gyrophoric and ± stictic acid.

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Lecidea petraea var. fuscoatra f. grandis Flörke
Rhizocarpon grande (Flörke) Arnold
Rhizocarpon grande (Flörke) Arnold
Rhizocarpon grande (Flörke) Arnold
Rhizocarpon grande (Flörke) Arnold
Rhizocarpon grande (Flörke) Arnold
Rhizocarpon grande (Flörke) Arnold

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Rhizocarpon grande (Flörke) Arnold
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Rhizocarpon grande (Flörke) Arnold
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
16 July 2010
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