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Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened

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Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill (1967)
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill

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New Zealand
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(Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus

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Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill

2n = 76
2n = 76
2n = 76
2n = 76
2n = 76

Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill

Plant a lfy tuft c. 4–12–(15) cm. diam., the roots us. much the longest parts. Stem to c. 5 cm. long,often much shorter, erect, lower part covered with imbricating old lf-bases. Green lvs at any one time c. 4–6–(9); lamina to c. 6 × 1.5 cm., elliptic-oblong, tip acute, slightly twisted, minutely 2-toothed when young, base meeting sheath along clearly defined abscission line. Racemes arising among or below green lvs, sts both a higher and a lower one produced in a single season; old raceme-axes persisting on lower part of stem for several years. Fls opp. to irregularly alternate, pedicel < to > small membr. bract. Per. greenish white flecked with red. Sepals and petals subequal, c. 3.5 × 1.5 mm. Labellum almost as long and broader, very fleshy, ± erect, smoothly convex externally, deeply channelled; mid-lobe distinct only as small cucullate tip; lateral lobes forming sides of clog-shaped structure and each with an internally projecting, partly transverse ridge. Column much shorter, broadly cylindric, its foot barely recognisable to quite well defined. Capsules c. 15 × 3.5 mm., large for size of raceme.

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Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill

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Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
[Not available]
Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
[Not available]
Volcanic Plateau

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scientific name
1 January 2000
20 September 2005
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