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Oenothera affinis Cambess.

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Oenothera affinis Cambess.
Oenothera affinis

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Oenothera affinis Cambess.

Annual, or possibly biennial, taprooted herb. Stems < 50 cm tall, branched, with dense glandular and white eglandular pilose hairs. Rosette lvs densely hairy, soon dying. Cauline lvs with short indistinct petioles; lamina 4-11 × 0.7-1.5 cm, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, entire or remotely denticulate, densely clothed in short, glandular hairs, and with scattered long white, patent, eglandular hairs; base attenuate; apex mucronate. Fls distant along stem. Floral tube 8-9 cm long, very slender, with hairs as on lvs. Buds lanceolate, erect. Sepals 2-3.5 cm long, white-pilose; apices mucronate, divergent. Petals c. 3 cm long, broad-obovate, yellow. Style exserted by c. 2 cm. Capsule c. 2 cm long, ± clavate, ribbed, with hairs as on lvs. Seeds 1.5-2 mm long, ± ellipsoid.

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Oenothera affinis Cambess.
Oenothera affinis Cambess.
Oenothera affinis Cambess.
Oenothera longiflora sensu New Zealand botanists
Oenothera affinis Cambess.

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Oenothera affinis Cambess.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
17 November 2015
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