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Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy

Scientific name record
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Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy (1952)
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(Huds.) M.Choisy
Parmotrema perlatum

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Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy

Thallus orbicular to spreading, loosely attached, 5-15 cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes rounded, 8-15 mm wide, margins entire, often strongly sinuous, black, shining, ciliate, cilia rather sparse, 0.5-2 mm long. Upper surface pale greenish-grey or bluish-grey in damp habitats, to white or greyish-white in exposed habitats, smooth, matt, often wrinkled and usually cracked in older parts, submarginally sorediate. Soralia linear, soon eroding a large area and causing margins to become strongly revolute or capitate-hooded, soredia fine, powdery, white. Lower surface black and shining, with a conspicuous dark brown, naked marginal zone. Rhizines central, long, black, simple. Apothecia rare, pedicellate, to 6 mm diam., disc concave to ± plane, matt, pale brown to red-brown, imperforate, margins thick, inflexed, sorediate. Ascospores 25-28 × 16-18 µm. Pycnidia occasional, minute, black, punctiform, mainly marginal. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K+ persistent yellow, C-, KC-, Pd+ pale orange. Atranorin and stictic acid.

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Lichen chinensis Osbeck
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
Lichen perlatus Huds.
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
Parmelia perlata (Huds.) Ach.
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
Parmotrema chinense (Osbeck) Hale & Ahti
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy

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New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Parmotrema perlatum (Huds.) M.Choisy
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
30 April 2010
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