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Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar

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Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar, New Zealand J. Bot. 33: 27-28 (1995)
Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar

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(Buchanan) Edgar
Lachnagrostis pilosa

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Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar

Often robust, wide-leaved, perennial tufts, (5)-30- 90 cm tall, with dull green somewhat harsh leaves drying dark green, and large, firm, pale green, manyflowered panicles; innovations intravaginal. Leafsheaths similar in texture to blades, firm, manynerved, smooth, or finely scabrous above, green to light brown; ligule 1.3-6 mm, tapered, rounded at top, becoming denticulate, abaxially finely scabrous; leaf-blades (2)-6-28 cm × (0.5)-2-6.5-(10) mm, abaxially finely scabrous on the numerous fine nerves with midnerve prominent near base, adaxially finely ridged and finely scabrous on ridges, margins finely scabrous, tip subobtuse. Culms 20-40-(66) cm tall, erect. Panicle (2)-12-28 × (1)-6-20 cm, at first stiff and contracted with erect branchlets, finally becoming more lax and ovate-elliptic at maturity; main axis smooth below, becoming scabrous above, primary branches sparsely scabrous, filiform, very long, erect, secondary branches much shorter, very numerous, capillary, scaberulous, with several spikelets close together near tips. Spikelets (3)-3.5- 5.5-(6) mm, light green. Glumes ± equal, scabrous on keel and sometimes near margins below tip, elsewhere smooth and membranous, rarely sparsely scabrous in upper half, acute to acuminate; lower glume elliptic-lanceolate, scabrous on upper 2/3 of keel; upper glume linear-lanceolate scabrous on upper ½ of keel. Lemma <2/3 length of glumes, elliptic-oblong, truncate, with the lateral nerves shortly excurrent. Palea elliptic-oblong, shallowly bifid, nerves c. 0.2 mm apart. Lodicules c. 0.5 mm, lanceolate, acute. Caryopsis 1.3-1.8 × 0.4-0.6 mm.

Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar

Often robust, wide-leaved, perennial tufts, (5)-30-90 cm, with dull green somewhat harsh leaves drying dark green, and large, firm, pale green, many-flowered panicles; branching intravaginal. Leaf-sheath similar in texture to blade, firm, striate, smooth, or finely scabrid above, green to light brown. Ligule 1.3-6 mm, tapered, rounded, becoming denticulate, abaxially finely scabrid. Leaf-blade (2)-6-28 cm × (0.5)-2-6.5-(10) mm, abaxially with numerous fine, finely scabrid ribs, midrib prominent near base, adaxially finely ribbed and finely scabrid on ribs; margins finely scabrid, tip subobtuse. Culm 20-40-(66) cm, erect. Panicle (2)-12-28 × (1)-6-20 cm, at first stiff and contracted with erect branches, at maturity more lax and ovate-elliptic; rachis smooth below, scabrid above, primary branches sparsely scabrid, filiform, very long, erect, secondary branchlets much shorter, very numerous, capillary, scaberulous, tipped by several clustered spikelets. Spikelets (3)-3.5-5.5-(6) mm, light green. Glumes ± equal, smooth and membranous, rarely sparsely scabrid in upper half, acute to acuminate; lower elliptic-lanceolate, scabrid on upper ⅔ of keel, upper linear-lanceolate, scabrid on upper ½ of keel. Lemma &lt; ⅔ length of glumes, elliptic-oblong, truncate, lateral nerves shortly excurrent. Palea elliptic-oblong, nerves c. 0.2 mm apart, apex shallowly bifid. Lodicules c. 0.5 mm, lanceolate, acute. Caryopsis 1.3-1.8 × 0.4-0.6 mm. Fig. 9.

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Agrostis pilosa A.Rich.
Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar
Deyeuxia pilosa Buchanan
Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar
Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar
Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar
Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar
Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar
Lachnagrostis richardii Zotov
Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar

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Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Lachnagrostis pilosa (Buchanan) Edgar
New Zealand
Westland Land District
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District

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1 January 2000
12 April 2017
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