Rosa sempervirens hybrids

Rosa sempervirens hybrids
Rosa sempervirens hybrids
Rosa sempervirens hybrids
Rosa sempervirens hybrids
Evergreen, scrambling or lianoid shrub; stems usually long and trailing or climbing to c. 5 m high, often intertwining, layering extensively, glabrous; armature of uniform, scattered, flattened and rather small, slightly curved prickles, denser on vigorous vegetative shoots. Lvs with (2)-3 pairs of leaflets; petiole usually 15-25 mm long, glabrous or sometimes with scattered glandular hairs and pricklets on rachis; stipules completely adnate, deeply and irregularly toothed, glabrous except for scattered marginal glandular hairs. Lamina of leaflets (10)-15-40-(50) × 8-25-(30) mm, usually broadly elliptic to broadly obovate or ± orbicular, sometimes broadly ovate, moderately to very glossy green and glabrous, bronzy red when young; margins sharply serrate; base rounded to slightly cuneate; apex rounded to acute, rarely acuminate. Fls usually many, in rather dense clusters, double, 25-50-(60) mm diam.; pedicels glabrous, rarely with scattered glandular hairs. Sepals ± ovate-oblong, cuspidate or acuminate, tomentose inside, glabrate to tomentose, and sometimes with a few glandular hairs outside; outer sepals sometimes with a few linear lobes. Petals numerous, 13-25 mm long, narrowly obovate or obovate, pink to rose in bud, white inside at anthesis. Styles free but forming a column, long-exserted, hairy. Fr. not seen.
Taxonomic concepts
Rosa sempervirens hybrids
Rosa sempervirens hybrids
scientific name
1 January 2000