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Haloragis depressa sensu (A.Cunn.) Walp.

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(A.Cunn.) Walp.
invalidly published, misapplication
Haloragis depressa

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Haloragis depressa sensu (A.Cunn.) Walp.

Wiry herb, spreading by much-branched underground stems that dry yellow; above ground portions 2-10-(20) cm. long, ± covered with scattered soft hairs most abundant on young stems and increasing on parts affected by a not uncommon disease. Stems very obscurely tetragonous; lvs mostly opp., (2)-5-(15) mm. long, about ovate, margins cartilaginous with 2-4-(5) incisures on each side, lower margins, midrib on under side and very short petiole us. with scattered white hairs, finer hairs often on upper side of lvs. Fls solitary, axillary, us. a few opp. pairs, occ. alt., the uppermost often single and terminal, in small plants a single terminal fl.; bracts like lvs but smaller, bracteoles hairy. Fls erect, very shortly peduncled, apparently sts unisexual; sepals triangular, glab.; petals reddish, hooded, with stiff hairs on keel, c. 2 mm. long; stamens 8, = petals, filaments elongating and some anthers hanging out between petals, in ♀ much smaller and persistent; ovary 4-angled, about as long as wide, little constricted below sepals; styles 4, rather long, curving outwards and downwards between sepals, stigmatic surface on upper side with long flexuous multicellular hairs. Fr. brown, shining when mature, c. 2 mm. long, tetragonous, each face flat or with median longitudinal rib, broadest about mid-height, surface smooth; pericarp hard, 1 loculus, us. 1-seeded.

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Haloragis depressa sensu (A.Cunn.) Walp.
Haloragis depressa sensu (A.Cunn.) Walp.
Haloragis depressa sensu (A.Cunn.) Walp.
Haloragis depressa sensu (A.Cunn.) Walp.

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scientific name
24 June 2002
7 December 2006
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