Cotoneaster simonsii Baker

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Cotoneaster simonsii Baker in Baker et al., Refug. Bot. 1(3), pl. 55 (1869)
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
pl. 55
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii
Vernacular names
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub up to 4 m high; stems erect or slightly arching; young shoots densely brown-tomentose or villous but later becoming brownish grey and glabrate. Lvs crowded along stems or in fascicles, sometimes 2-ranked; petiole 2-3 mm long; blade ovate to rhombic, 13-25-(40) × 7-15-(25) mm, cuneate at base and mucronate at apex, thinly pilose above when young, later glabrous and ± shining, with veins sometimes somewhat impressed above, paler green to greyish green with indumentum of numerous long and ± appressed hairs below, often becoming sparse at maturity; margins slightly recurved and sometimes reddish; stipules lanceolate or triangular-lanceolate, densely pilose, acuminate. Fls 1-4-(5), in corymbs scattered along branches or on short shoots; peduncles brown-pilose, up to 5 mm long. Sepals c. 1-1.5 mm long, ± triangular, somewhat pilose, acuminate. Petals erect, c. 2-3 mm long, ± obovate, whitish to pale pink. Fr. obovoid to oblong-obovoid, 5-10 mm long, shining orange-red or scarlet.
Taxonomic concepts
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
Cotoneaster simonsii Baker
The binomial Cotoneaster symondsii was published eight years earlier than Cotoneaster simonsii. Some authors have argued that Cotoneaster simonsii should be synonymized under Cotoneaster symondsii, based on priority. Foliar characters provided in the protologue of Cotoneaster symondsii are not a good match for Cotoneaster simonsii. In the absence of original material, a neotype was chosen for Cotoneaster symondsii, in accordance with its protologue, which places it in synonymy with Cotoneaster marginatus.
Type: India, Himchal Pradesh, Lailankote, Khasia, 26 Sept. 1886, C.B. Clarke 45543. K 758590, image seen.
scientific name
1 January 2000
3 August 2017