Cotula featherstonii (F.Muell.) Hook.f.

Cotula featherstonii (F.Muell.) Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 733 (1867)
(F.Muell.) Hook.f.
Cotula featherstonii
Cotula featherstonii (F.Muell.) Hook.f.
Robust herb, subwoody at base; stems decumbent, up to 3 dm. × 5 mm., ascending at tips; branches ∞, at first clad in soft pubescence. Lvs alt., bases persistent; lamina (15)-20-35-(50) × (6)-8-10-(12) mm., almost sessile; obovate- to oblong-cuneate or spathulate, 3-toothed to entire at apex; fleshy, margins ± cartilaginous; densely clad in fine soft pubescence above and below. Scapes axillary and terminal, densely glandular-hairy, 12-25 mm. long, stout, pilose; capitula (5)-8-10 mm. diam.; phyll. 10-15 in c. 2 series, outer ovate-lanceolate, inner broad-oblong, thinly hairy on outer surfaces. Florets yellow, eglandular; ♀ ∞, pedicellate, corolla minute, pale yellow, indistinctly toothed; ♂ ∞, tubular, 4-toothed. Achenes compressed obovoid-cylindric, slightly to densely glandular, strongly ribbed, 1-2 × 0·5 mm.
Cotula featherstonii (F.Muell.) Hook.f.
A robust, luxuriant suberect perennial herb. Stems erect or later becoming decumbent, 0.2-1.2 m tall, thick, up to 6 mm diam., green, hard, subwoody at base, incompletely ringed at intervals with old leafscars and sparsely covered with short deciduous hairs; branches clustered, us. 3-4 diverging from a flowering node and the nodes immediately behind, often repeated at later nodes several times per season; leaves several clustered at the apex, older ones scattered 0.2- 3.0 cm apart. Roots not seen. Leaves simple, almost sessile, 1.5-4.0 × 0.7-1.7 cm; blade obovate, narrowing into ill-defined petiole and leafbase, tender, grass-green, glabrous to thickly and evenly covered with soft, suberect, zh deciduous hairs, midrib and principal veins evident on both surfaces, with 0-3 shallow triangular obtuse teeth on either side just below the apex. Peduncles shorter than leaves, 1-2 cm, with 0 or a few small bracts, villous. Monoecious. Heads ca. 1 cm diam.; surface hemispherical; involucre hemispherical; phyllaries 10- 15 in 1-2 subequal rows, broadly elliptic, rather thick, green with 1-3 brown veins evident, sparsely pilose, with a narrow transparent scarious margin around the apex only, not growing after anthesis; pistillate florets ca. 200 in 6 or more rows, ca. 2.0 mm long, almost straight, yellow-green; corolla ca. 3 times as long as wide, blunt, with equal teeth; staminate florets fewer, ca. 130. Achenes up to 1.5 × 0.7 mm, slightly compressed, chocolate-brown, striated with 2 lateral, 2-4 anterior and 2-4 posterior pale ribs, unwrinkled. Probably flowers from spring to autumn.
Taxonomic concepts
Cotula featherstonii (F.Muell.) Hook.f.
Cotula featherstonii (F.Muell.) Hook.f.
Cotula featherstonii (F.Muell.) Hook.f.
Cotula featherstonii (F.Muell.) Hook.f.
Identification keys
scientific name
13 March 2002
10 November 2005