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Uncinia silvestris Hamlin

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
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Uncinia silvestris Hamlin
Uncinia silvestris

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Uncinia silvestris Hamlin

Densely caespitose. Culms 20–30–(40) cm. × c. 0.5 mm., glab.; basal bracts light cinnamon-brown or yellow-brown, not shining. Lvs 4–5 per culm, ± = or slightly > culms, 0.5–2 mm. wide, bright green, tapering to a long filiform tip, scabrid on margins and on upper surface towards lf-tip. Spikes (3.5)–4–8–(10) cm. × 2–3 mm., often bracteate with the lf-like bract much > spike, female fls c. 10–20, internodes 3–5 mm. long towards base of spike, 1–2 mm. long above. Glumes much < utricles, persistent, ovate, acute or subacute, membr., very faintly nerved, midrib pale green. Utricles (3.5)–4–4.5–(5) mm. long, slightly < 1 mm. diam., plano-convex, concavo-convex or subtrigonous, oblong or ovoid-lanceolate, light green, rarely greenish brown, membr., few-nerved or smooth, stipe c. 1 mm. long, narrowed above to a distinct beak 1–1.5 mm. long.

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Uncinia silvestris Hamlin
Uncinia silvestris Hamlin
Uncinia silvestris Hamlin
Uncinia silvestris Hamlin
Uncinia silvestris Hamlin
Uncinia silvestris Hamlin
Uncinia silvestris Hamlin
Uncinia silvestris Hamlin
Uncinia silvestris Hamlin

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Uncinia silvestris Hamlin
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Uncinia silvestris Hamlin
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
20 August 2015
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