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Prunus campanulata Maxim.

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Prunus campanulata Maxim., Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Petersbourg sér. 3, 29: 103 (1883)
Prunus campanulata Maxim.

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New Zealand
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Prunus campanulata Maxim.
Prunus campanulata

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Prunus campanulata Maxim.

Deciduous, small, spreading tree, 3-8 m high when mature (narrow in outline with ± erect branches when young), not armed; trunk short. Lf petiole 12-20 mm long, glabrous; blade thin, obovate to broadly elliptic, (50)-60-130-(170) × 20-60-(90) mm, cuspidate, rounded or occasionally obtuse at base, with both surfaces glabrous with major veins obvious, serrulate with teeth acute; stipules short, triangular, laciniate, deciduous. Fls in umbel-like clusters of (1)-2-3-(5), on very short shoots which elongate after anthesis, not fragrant, pendent; pedicels (8)-12-25 mm long, glabrous. Hypanthium narrowly campanulate; sepals triangular, 3-6 mm long, acute, magenta to dark deep red, glabrous, shining, at first erect but becoming spreading or reflexed. Petals 5, (5)-6-12 mm diam., the lower parts remaining semi-erect and corolla appearing ± campanulate; upper portion eventually spreading, ± broadly elliptic-ovate to orbicular, narrowly emarginate, deep pink to rose-magenta. Stamens slightly < to just > corolla; filaments flushed magenta to crimson. Fr. up to 12 × 10 mm, ovoid, ellipsoid or ovoid-oblong, glabrous, glossy scarlet; stone smooth.

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Prunus campanulata Maxim.
Prunus campanulata Maxim.
Prunus campanulata Maxim.
Prunus campanulata Maxim.
Prunus campanulata Maxim.
Prunus campanulata Maxim.
Prunus campanulata Maxim.
Prunus campanulata Maxim.

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New Zealand
Political Region

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Prunus campanulata Maxim.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Prunus campanulata Maxim.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Prunus campanulata Maxim.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Prunus campanulata Maxim.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Prunus campanulata Maxim.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
14 June 2021
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