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Stemphylium eturmiunum E.G. Simmons 2001

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Stemphylium eturmiunum E.G. Simmons, Harvard Pap. Bot. 6 206 (2001)
Stemphylium eturmiunum E.G. Simmons 2001

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New Zealand
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GenBank MK432743

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E.G. Simmons
E.G. Simmons
Stemphylium eturmiunum E.G. Simmons 2001
NZ holotype
Stemphylium eturmiunum
NEW ZEALAND. Levin: on fruit of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., 1969, N. Z. Dept. Agriculture, G. E Laundon LEV 3417. Dried culture of ex-conidium isolate E. G. Simmons 29-099, Holotype BPI 747304

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Ascomata of P. eturmiuna develop abundantly within and on PCA and V-8 agar substrates, almost to the point of crowding. On PCA, mature ascomata are dark, subsphaeroid, ca. 200-300 µm diam., with a small ostiolar beak and numerous dark, flexible hyphae that arise in surface cells of the ascoma. Asci are long ovoid or oblong, straight or curved, ca. 140-150 x 25-30 µm, usually 8-spored. Ascospores are ca. 17-18 x 7-8 µm, ellipsoid or oblong when the first transeptum forms. Ascospores develop through narrow ellipsoid, to broader ellipsoid, then to a minor extent to broad-oblong with broadly rounded end cells. In any examination of ascomata at 3-4 weeks, broadly ellipsoid ascospores ca. 28-32(-36) x 11-13 µm dominate the spore population; oblong spores with broadly rounded ends and ca. 28 x 10-11 µm, apparently derived by shortening from the ellipsoid stage, are not common. Ascospores have 7-8 transepta and 1(-2) longitudinal or oblique septa; they always are moderately to markedly constricted at the three primary transepta, especially during intermediate stages of development. Color is a dilute dull to medium yellowish tan.
The anamorph Stemphylium eturmiunum grows well and sporulates abundantly on PCA, Hay, and V8 agar substrates, predominantly on short branches of erect or procumbent hyphae that arise singly or in fascicles from the substrate. Aerial axis hyphae commonly are 1 mm or more in length and bear very large numbers of short conidiogenous branches ca. 10-40 x 6 µm with a tip cell only slightly wider. Juvenile -conidia are oblong and ca. 18 x 7 µm when the first transeptum forms. The great majority of conidia mature as broadly ovoid or ellipsoid units, ca. 25-27 x 12 µm, with three transverse or oblique septa and one .longitudinal or oblique septum in each of the transverse divisions. A minor portion of the conidium population matures as broadly oblong units, ca. 27-32 x 13-16 µm, with 3-5 transepta and 1(-2) longitudinal or oblique septa in all transverse divisions. Conidium color is medium brown with septa even darker; wall ornamentation is punctulate to punctate overall.
Ex - cultura in agaro PCA descripta. Ascomata atrobrunnea, subglobosa, ca. 200-300 µm diam., pariete tenui, rostellata. Asci longe ovoidei vel oblongi, aequilateri vel curvati, ca. 140-18O x 25-30 µm, plerumque octospori. Ascosporae ellipsoideae vel oblongae tam anguste ellipsoideae tam late ellipsoideae tam aliquando late oblongae, extremitatibus late rotundatis; plerumque ellipsoideae ca. 28-32(-36) x 11-13 µm, infrequenter oblongae ca. 28 x 10-11 µm; transverse 7-8 septatae, longitudinaliter 1(-2) septatae, in transeptis primariis tribus constrictis, dilute luteobrunneolae. Conidiophora plerumque lateraliter, numerosa, 10-40 x 6 µm, in hyphis longis, erectiusculis, arcuatis, solitariis vel fasciculatis 1 mm x, 8 µm. Conidia oblonga, late ovoidea vel ellipsoidea, plerumque ca. 25-27 x 12 ,aria, transverse 3 septata, longitudinaliter vel oblique 1 septata; modice brunnea, septis conspicue atrobrunneis; punctulata vel punctata.
Etymology: Latin, e + turma + una, one (representative) of a (species) group.
TYPE: NEW ZEALAND. Levin: on fruit of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., 1969, N. Z. Dept: Agriculture, G. F. Laundon LEV 3417. Dried culture of ex-Conidum isolate E. G. Simmons 29-099 (Holotype: BPI 747304!). Fig. 4. Anamorphosis: Stemphylium eturmiunum E. G. Simmons, anam. nov.

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Stemphylium eturmiunum E.G. Simmons 2001
Stemphylium eturmiunum E.G. Simmons
Stemphylium eturmiunum E.G. Simmons 2001
Stemphylium eturmiunum E.G. Simmons (2001)
Stemphylium eturmiunum E.G. Simmons 2001
Stemphylium eturmiunum E.G. Simmons (2001)
Stemphylium eturmiunum E.G. Simmons 2001
Stemphylium eturmiunum E.G. Simmons

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Stemphylium eturmiunum E.G. Simmons 2001
New Zealand
Stemphylium eturmiunum E.G. Simmons 2001
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury

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NEW ZEALAND. Levin: on fruit of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., 1969, N. Z. Dept. Agriculture, G. E Laundon LEV 3417. Dried culture of ex-conidium isolate E. G. Simmons 29-099, Holotype BPI 747304

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scientific name
24 March 2004
5 March 2018
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