Gymnomyces leucocarpus T. Lebel 2002

Gymnomyces leucocarpus T. Lebel 2002
ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet refers to the white basidiomata, from the Greek leuco meaning white.
NOTES: Gymnomyces leucocarpus can be distinguished from other species of Gymnomyces in New Zealand by the white peridium (with no hint of other colours), isolated spinose spore ornamentation, and rarity of the hymenial cystidia. The abundant ornamentation of isolated spines ±1 µm high of G. leucocarpus is similar to that of several collections of Gymnomyces and Cystangium from Australia, which are Eucalyptus associates, and Macowanites rubroluteus, a Nothofagus associate from New Zealand (Lebel 1998). The Australian collections differ from G. leucocarpus microscopically, in the structure of the peridiopellis, basidial shape, and more globose spores with longer spines. The pale yellow peridium with red patches of M. rubroluteus differentiates it from the white peridium of G. leucocarpus.