Abies Mill.

Abies Mill., Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4. (1754)
Abies Mill.
- Abies alba
- Abies amabilis
- Abies balsamea
- Abies bracteata
- Abies cephalonica
- Abies chensiensis
- Abies cilicica
- Abies concolor
- Abies delavayi
- Abies equi-trojani
- Abies ernestii
- Abies fabri
- Abies fargesii
- Abies faxoniana
- Abies firma
- Abies forrestii
- Abies fraseri
- Abies georgei
- Abies glehnii
- Abies grandis
- Abies guatemalensis
- Abies holophylla
- Abies homolepis
- Abies kawakamii
- Abies koreana
- Abies lasiocarpa
- Abies magnifica
- Abies mariesii
- Abies menziesii
- Abies nebrodensis
- Abies nordmanniana
- Abies numidica
- Abies pindrow
- Abies pinsapo
- Abies procera
- Abies recurvata
- Abies religiosa
- Abies sachalinensis
- Abies spectabilis
- Abies squamata
- Abies veitchii
- Abies vejarii
Vernacular names
Abies Mill.
Evergreen, resinous, conic or pyramidal trees, usually with smooth bark and whorled branches. Short shoots 0. Buds very variable in shape, generally resinous. Lvs solitary, spirally arranged, linear or linear-oblong, usually ± 2-ranked and often arranged pectinately (except on young erect shoots), leaving a flat circular scar (hence older shoots ± smooth), flattened, generally dark green above and with broad white to glaucous-grey stomatal bands below, less often both sides stomatiferous and glaucous-grey; resin ducts 2, marginal (just below surface) or median. ♂ strobili (cones) situated in upper lf axils on underside of shoots, catkin-like, yellow to red. ♀ cones terminal, erect, usually purple, ripening in first year; ovuliferous scales rather thin; ovules 2 to each scale. Mature cone often dark purple, with bract scales included or exserted, disintegrating; axis persistent. Seed with large wing.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
1 January 2000
20 January 2014